So, I went to the KY state fair XD DX

Aug 17, 2008 13:34

It was ok. When we went the temperature was nice. So nice in fact, I didn't even sweet XD!
But anyhow. This was my first time ever, in my 7 years of living in KY, that I've gone to the state fair.
Like, I didn't even KNOW there was such thing as a STATE FAIR until last year. I thought it would be a small fair, so I didn't go.
But when I went, I was kinda 'wowed?'
I mean, aside from all the farm animals, cause KY is hick, it was nice. I mean, I like animals, but not the smell of hundreds in one room.
We didn't get on any rides, cause me Kai and her sis had no money.. for rides.

I got 20$, they got 40$, so basically, we all only had 20$ each.

Tickets were 8$.

Kai and her sis ended up eating. I bought a Diet Pepsi Max bottle and drank it around *gave me pee breaks like crazy D:*
They ate some meat burgers (D:!!!) and ice cream. I had two small spoons of Kai's umm... what was it.... Peach Sherbert?
And then, we walked around some more and more and more.
Took stupid pictures of stuff.
STALKED AND ITACHI COSPLAYER!!!!!!!!!! *it was lmao funny*

Rode the shuttle EVERYWHERE, lmao.
BTW I say Shudder. I can't say Shuttle.
We just wouldn't get off. It was better than walking I say. Especially when all you've eaten was some dry *i hate milk* cereal, 5 crackers, and 2 small spoons of peach sherbert. With a Diet Pepsi Max of lovely course :D

While on the Shuttle Bus we drove by this drink stand called... *runs to look at name on cup* COCO BONGOS. On the sign of servings, they had PINA COLADA XD.
So, we went another circle, me having the urge to jump and get one.
Anyways, we got to the stand, I stood in line. I looked at the names,
Bahama Mama, Pina Colada, and Orange mix or something. They were serving these in a HUGE HUGE HUGE purple cup, a medium huge cup, a coconut carved monkey design head, and an ugly cups with a handle. However, the ugly cup and cocunut one did not have paid refills. They had free refills, i didn't.

But my cup was cooler! XD *might take pic of it*

I'm keeping it for the next time I go to get a 3 dollar refill instead of paying 6$ for a new one XD.
Anyways, I got Bahama Mama in the end. It had a mix if *yes I remember* Strawberry, Cherry, and Kiwi.
I got it for me and Kai, Jessica would NOT SHUT THE FUCK UP.

I understand your thirsty hun, but when you have a sprite cup in your hand, even if you finished it 5 seconds ago, you shut the hell up. I bought this, not Kai. She didn't need to ask her sister if she could have a sip. Honestly, It's not my fault you finished your drink.

She did that at the food court too. She got some beef patty, Kai pork. She finished her burger, and was eating the remains Kai couldn't eat. Then she got a huge waffle ice cream cone. AND STILL ASKED FOR MORE FROM KAI. Seriously, sometimes it seems people can't go 5 seconds without food. And it's sad.
Then, regardless of receiving 40$ from their mum she still had the nerve to call for DQ or something. And I was kinda like O_O. I was hungry too. But... Can't you wait to get till home? She was like "i'm thirsty". Well.. can't you wait? Like... your not gonna die on us are ya?
Sorry for suddenly ranting, but that gets really bothersome.

We stayed until 11pm. I kinda had a "i'm hungry" and "i want a cigarette" fit.
And I was getting weak, and kinda dizzy XD. I mean, I too have my limit sometimes.

So we left, i got something from the 1$ menu from Mc'D's. XD. I'm gonna pay Kai's mum back at some point. I kinda felt bad to make her buy me a caramel sundae though. I could've waited till I got home to get some ice cream D:

I hope I can upload the pics and video, after I get Kai's permission.

bahama mama, kentucky, coco bongos, state, fair

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