is it wrong to already have suicidal and murderous urges only 3 days into the semester?

Aug 27, 2003 17:11

I wrote an entry in notepad on monday meaning to post it but things got sidetracked and now the entry seems stupid and ridiculous and completely uninteresting. So I’m going to write a whole brand new entry about my first days at school and living in the dorms.

Of course it was sheer chaos on saturday while I was packing all my stuff. I only took enough for 7 days because I have to be back home on friday anyway for work. Sunday morning I woke up feeling very ill and just not good. I had cramps (guess who got her period two days before moving into the dorms!!) and my stomach hurt and I was slightly nauseous. I laid in bed for what seems like forever with all my ailments, until I started to get up and felt my stomach snap together and force whatever was in my stomach (I hadn't eaten since saturday afternoon) out of my mouth. After throwing up, I felt a bit better and got dressed and stuff. My parents helped me move in and it turned out that my dad left the most important part of the computer at home so he had to drive back, get it, and drive back up here (which took about 2 hours or so.) So he got that, and the computer was set up but then we couldn’t find the CD for my printer! And we didn’t realize I needed an ethernet cable for my computer; we assumed it would be a phone line. Long story short-no internet since saturday night (when we took the computer apart to pack it) and no working printer (it's actually a printer/scanner/copier in one.)

I talked to my mom on the phone almost every 10 minutes on sunday night! It was quite amusing-I believe I talked to her more that one day than I usually do during a whole week at home. On monday I only had three classes-IH at 9am, organic Chemistry at 11am and intro to communication at 3pm. My IH got switched from Power Democracy & Oppression to Nature which sucks. I hate nature! Even the teacher said that the class was mostly boring stuff. I am going to hate it, I can already tell. Organic is going to be a struggle. I know because it's chem and chem is hard. I am going to have to get a tutor ASAP unless I want a repeat of general chemistry. My communications professor is amusing to say the least. At first I thought he was nuts, but as we got a discussion going and he talked more, I started to like him. He's very interesting to listen to and has some good ideas.

On Tuesday I had my psychology of human development class and my intro to sociology class. Whole long story about the psych class but I’m too lazy to talk about it. Bottom line-I hate the registrars and this school sucks.

Today I had my IH, organic chem., intro to sociology and intro to communications. I am starting to despise IH (the class, not the teacher because she is just so nice and sweet) and love my communications professor. He may be crazy but he may be brilliant. All the things he says make me think so much and reevaluate my life. I feel as if it’s almost a philosophy class or something. We had this huge discussion about socialization and individuation and how Plato’s cave is basically the world we live in today. I love listening to him talk because his ideas are just so genius. I don’t know how else to describe them. Amazing. No teacher has ever made me think so hard and deep about the world we live in and my life like he has.

But living in the dorms is becoming a double-edged sword. I like a lot of things about it, like being right on campus and not having to waste half my day just commuting. But I hate the lack of privacy and the showers. Another thing is that my roommate is already getting on my nerves!!! She’s a very polite and nice person but there are just so many little things that annoy me about her. I won’t even begin to talk about what happened when we went to CVS because once I start ranting, there’s no stopping me. So I can’t handle heat, call it my thyroid or me being overweight, but I need to have the AC on and at full blast. I specifically took the bed right next to the AC because I knew she preferred it to be a bit warmer. Before leaving this morning I made sure to set the AC on since it was going up to 90 today with a very high humidity so I knew I would be hot. I come back and she has turned the AC off!! She could’ve just set it at a warmer setting so it would turn on after the room was a certain temperature. But she turned it off so for most of the day the room was baking because she also puts up the fucking blinds so all the sun comes shining through. Is it that hard to just turn the goddamn handle so you open the blinds and not pulls them all the way up exposing our room?? And then she obsesses about the food she eats. Everything that I pick up has (:: in a mocking tone:: )too many calories for her! Every time we have to walk up stairs or walk for long periods of time and I make one small complaint about it, she says “it’s exercise”. I fucking don’t care!!! If I wanted to exercise I would go and fucking exercise!!! I know that everyone I should be health conscious and be aware of things and watch what I eat, but I don’t want to count every fucking calorie that passes my teeth and obsess about being thin. Of course I would like to be thin, but obsessing over it is no way to help me. We (Me, her and 2 other girls) were watching a tape I had in my TV yesterday and there was this girl who was a stripper in it and one of the girls commented about her looking pretty or something like that and my roommate quipped that she was chubby! OH MY FUCKING GOD. The girl on TV was normal! Skinny, on fact, and not at all chubby! I think she has a completely distorted view of body types and it’s getting on my nerves.

This has turned into a huge rant about my roommate so I’ll end it here and go on and see what I missed in your lives. As always, the semester brings chaos so expect me to be MIA very often since my classes take precedent during the semester.

(and to unity33, I’m sorry! This is exactly why my letter to you will be just a little bit late. I’ll do my best to send it out this weekend and I love the CD!)
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