Going Batty

Sep 07, 2007 00:56

Work was just that. The start of the semester has been quite hectic for me this semester, and that's without teaching any classes. I think I would have lost it by now if I was still teaching. I did have something a little less usual occur this evening. While attempting to update a work order, my remaining co-worker indicated that we had company in our basement dwelling. It seems that a particularly fine specimen of Chiroptera had managed to find its way into our offices. It flitted about for a while, so I asked my co-worker to go out to my car and retrieve a set of leather gauntlets I keep there for just such a situation. While he was out, I gathered a largish candy tin and coaxed our furry friend inside upon which I took him outside. He was kind enough to pose for me before flying away. I'm hoping the picture will come through below. 

Once I gently tipped the can on its side, he crawled out, squeaked somewhat indignantly, and then took off in to the gathering gloom.


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