My short Takarazuka-based story, "Rebellious Heart", has been accepted for inclusion in Bold Strokes Books' upcoming Romantic Interludes 1: Discovery anthology. It will be released September 2008; you can see the
Bold Strokes website for more info.
First of all, can I just say that cover = GREAT AMOUNTS OF HOTNESS.
Second, I'm really excited because, as far as I know, this is the first Takarazuka-based story that will be in print that both A) actually references Takarazuka and not some fake-named theater, and B) is blatantly and unashamedly GIRL-LOVES-GIRL. >D Maybe if it goes over well and if I can get through the next book on my list to write (the Ithyria sequel) I'll expand the story into a full novel for my fourth book...
There's going to be twenty stories in the anthology in all, by some of the most popular lesbian writers in print today... Mark your calendars for this one, it's going to be awesome!