
Mar 20, 2007 23:42

I have taken up Liam's challenge, who took up someone else's, and been interviewed - see below. If anyone else wants to join in, the rules are:

1. Leave me a comment saying, 'interview me.'
2. I respond by asking you five questions so I can 'get to know you better.'
3. You WILL update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. Presumably you get to do one back!


1. What's the most important thing you've learned in your time with SCM?
Erm... I really don't know. I've learnt so, so much and it's hard to remember what it all is. I think I've learnt a lot about me as well as about the people I've met and worked alongside. I guess learning more about me and the way I work is the most important thing. Whether it's about stress management, or that I can do things I don't think that I can, or about ways to work with people it's all been very useful. I'm sure it will continue to be so too.

2. What would be the most important tenet of the MerryErnestWesleyStacey faith?
Oooh... well... Seeing as we're setting this thing up to be a drunken yet sincere version of the Methodist Church I think that it should be something that is in-keeping with those aims. I think that it should be most important that the MEWS experience is rewarding.

3. Name three things you would look for in your ideal partner.
Erk. I don't know really. I used to think that a good starting point would be someone who wanted to be with me, and I still maintain that, but having discovered someone at Christmas who wanted to be with me and I didn't feel the same way, I think I'll have to consider further. I guess she would need to want to be with me and me with her. She should be someone I can, and want to, share my life with - and that it works both ways. And someone who can tolerate all my quirky ways, insecurities and neuroses.

4. Knitting is going to be banned but you have time to knit one more thing. What will it be?
Ooh - does this mean I can only finish the pair of socks I'm already knitting or I can knit one new thing? If I can finish my socks, that would be great. They're bright pink with hearts on. I'm not sure they're ever going to get worn but they're great fun to knit and the membership of the sock knitting club (which sends me the yarn and pattern) was a present from a friend for my birthday. If I'm allowed one more new thing, it would be a pair of gloves for Martin for his birthday next month. Must. Find. Pattern.

5. What is it with you and impractical shoes? ;-)
Well, I can't walk very well regardless of shoes or the lack of them. When I was at uni I found the best pair of shoes in the history of the world ever! They were purple DM shoes in an unusual style with a good chunky sole and slight heal. They really were the best shoes I ever had and were about £60! And I wore them until they died. And I couldn't find any more. The other Docs hurt my feet as did many of the other shoes. :( So I decided that if good shoes hurt my feet and silly shoes at a sixth of the price hurt my feet, I may as well get silly shoes. Just before I went to the convent I had some surgery on my feet and that made them so much better. It also meant I could buy more styles of shoes... so I did. And I was doing 'smart' jobs so stupid shoes were acceptable. It was great. I could be quirky through my shoes. Anyway, I threw away my second-last pair of silly shoes on Wednesday last week. I'm back to only sensible shoes. I have responsible lace up sketchers, DM Mary Janes, walking shoes (I blame Iona and Othona), trainers, emergency smart flat shoes (I blame mum), a pair of mint green sandal heels, some flipflops and two pairs of slippers. Not bad going really seeing as there was a a disproportionately high collection of heels before. Perhaps I'm finally beginning to understand there's a reason for the stereotype about 'sensible shoes'. ;)

So, does anyone else fancy a go?
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