ladiesbingo card!

Jun 26, 2013 11:21

Breaking a promise to myself to not get any bingo cards this year except for
origfic_bingo and
kink_bingo (which is next week, btw).

And signups started today! They're ongoing until January 14 of next year. :D Go here:

Original characters
Fusion with another fandom
Relative values: Families
If only you'd notice me: Yearning and obliviousness
Drunkeness & Inebriation
Religious and other festivals
Crossover: TV shows & movies
Hey, it's that guy: Minor characters
Everyone thinks we're doing it
Wild Card
Vampires/supernatual AU
Aliens made us do it
Missing persons
Hey, you're... me: meeting alternate universe counterparts
Episode tags and missing scenes
Secret Admirers
Little Miss Perfect: Mary Sue (or Marty Stu)

I'm figuring out a way to promote this, and I really want to promote it on Doctor Who comms, especially on LJ (because there are more of them there). At worse, I'll end up promoting it in my own edition of who_daily. But I do hope to promote it elsewhere.

As for fic plans: I think I'll end up doing Burn Notice and original!fic, at the very least. And maybe Rizzoli & Isles, which seems to be a seasonal thing with me, ha. Not sure about other fandoms, because I keep quietly dropping them. And no, I won't be aiming for a blackout--just at least a minimal bingo. But with this bingo, a blackout is tempting, since I'm excited about most of my card. Hmmm.

This entry was originally posted at Comments on either site are fine.

card: active: ladiesbingo

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