Dear rarepairfest Writer/Pinch-Hitter

Jun 19, 2013 16:56

(I don't think there will be treats in this fest, but welcome treat writers!)

Thank you for writing for me. I'm
merryghoul and merryghoul and
vmarigoldabrams. For AO3, I signed up with the merryghoul psued, but most of my fic is in the V psued. (More recent exchange fics are in the merryghoul psued. I made the psued to make it easier to find me on AO3, since originally I didn't have that psued.) Otherwise, my fic is at my Dreamwidth and LiveJournal journals.

I feel a letter conveys what squicks me and what I like most in fic. It's not a long list for both, I promise.

These are the things I prefer not to get in my fic:

  • My number one pet peeve will always be character bashing. Please, no character bashing.
  • Please, no fics with an alpha/beta/omega dynamic.
  • I like most kinks (but I'll mention the ones I'm most fond of below), but please, no vomitplay.
  • Please, no crossovers, especially with something that's not mentioned in this letter. I did not request crossover ships for this fest and I don't want to be surprised with a surprise crossover or a surprise crossover ship.
  • Although the ships I've requested don't have any incest in them, please, no incest.

  • Here are the things I do like in fic, if you do get stuck with the prompts (and if you do get stuck, anything you write for me will be fine, provided it doesn't include a squick of mine):

  • All AUs except for coffee shop AUs.
  • Apocafic (fic set during some sort of apocalypse).
  • On that note, zombies.
  • Hurt/comfort
  • Casefic
  • Fluff
  • Porn with a plot or PWPs

  • And although I'm fine with most kinks except for vomitplay, here is my list of kinks that I especially like:

  • Bondage (especially with wrist and ankle restraints)
  • Knifeplay
  • Begging
  • Vanilla sex

  • If you're concerned about tenses in your fic, I'm not fond of second person. Any other tense (first or any version of third, present or past) is okay with me.

    Also, I have seen all aired episodes for these fandoms (even the current Burn Notice and Suits runs), so you won't be spoiling me.

    On to the prompts! I've included tags of what I've written for these fandoms (and meta for Suits) for inspiration, if you'd like to see them.

    Burn Notice

    I'm fascinated with a day in the life (completely ignoring Michael's burn notice/affiliation with the "evil" CIA) with any of these pairings. My prompts for this fandom are based around this idea.

    My first prompt is based around what these couples do on a day off. There's one episode where Fiona tries to get Michael to come to lunch at the Delano with her, but he refuses. Later, he's shown at a shooting range with Sam. So I imagine that for their day off, these pairings go on a lunch date, to a shooting range, to the beach…Pretty much, this prompt is about a staycation in Miami for these pairings.

    Don't feel limited by my suggestions. If you have another idea, feel free to roll with it.

    I also like fics where these pairings are involved in a job. For instance, one person's found a client in need of help, or Fiona needs help with catching a bounty…what the job entails is up to you.

    Doctor Who

    For this exchange I stuck with New Who pairings, but I have seen all of the Classic Who serials and have heard the Eighth Doctor's run with Charley and C'riss with Big Finish, so if you want to incorporate any of those characters from those mediums in this story, feel free.

    I'd like to see one of these couples visiting a foreign planet. It can be a planet from Classic Who, New Who (like during Nine or Ten's runs, but Jack, River, Clara and/or Eleven didn't see), or a completely made up one.

    Or I'd like to see these two couples exploring the TARDIS. There has to be more rooms inside the TARDIS than the swimming pool and library, right?


    So if you're caught up on this show and you're writing it while it's on, I really don't care if your fic is Jossed by the show as it goes on.

    I'd like to see a fic where any of these couples get out of Pearson…whatever. What do these people do when they're not stuck working on cases in the firm?

    Or I'd like to see a fic where any of these pairings work together on something and slowly start to fall in love.


    I liked the episode where Sophie, Parker and Tara went on a ladies' night out, and I was disappointed there weren't similar episodes for the final season. So one of my prompts is a ladies' night out date with either one of these couples. It can be a relatively calm date or crazy things could be happening. I leave it to you.

    Another prompt I have is a post-series (or AU, depending on how far you are along in the series) prompt where Sophie and Tara or Sophie and Parker work on a job together, without the aid of the rest of the (former) members of Leverage.

    If these prompts don't do anything for you, feel free to write anything, as long as you abide by my squicks.

    That's it! Good luck!

    This entry was originally posted at Comments on either site are fine.

    exchange: rare pair fest

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