eep, I think Dreamwidth is having some issues

Mar 02, 2013 01:30

For the moment, I'm posting this post formatted for DW here. Taking the DW hyperlinks out, but they'll be included when I can post to DW.

Still struggling with my heroinebigbang fic. However, I think I'll be able to get somewhere with it this month. I write fast. I should be able to knock out the 15K word count in a matter of days without struggling to pad the fic.

Because au_bigbang isn't happening soon (if at all), I'm going to take my idea of "Burn Notice meets film noir" for that bang and take it to casestory. Maybe I'll loosely base it on Pickup on South Street,, idk.

I decided to go for Suits for unconventionalcourtship. I'm going for a romantic comedy/UST vibe unlike a lot of Suits fics I've seen recently. If I pull it off, it should be fun to read.

I wrote a short Burn Notice fic for fan_flashworks here. (don't go now, DW's down; go later)

And finally, I've decided not to do this challenge this year, since I don't have a crossover idea I can work with, and besides, I've surprisingly spent two or so months agonizing over ideas that sounded good at the moment. Especially the heroinebigbang fic, because I've gone from Burn Notice to two OUAT ideas to Greek mythology, which I'm most likely going to stick with. (Don't worry; I've linked to the new signup posts, and I included the new links in today's who_daily as well.)

Come and join the crossbigbang!
Where anything is possible and all crossovers are accepted!

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community: fan_flashworks, rating: pg, not a fic, character: fiona glenanne, fandom: burn notice

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