"War:" the Suits episode that explicitly says Harvey is a dick (and more!)

Feb 22, 2013 22:45

Before I start, after I saw "War," I checked out "post-mortem" interviews and a few reviews around the web: TV Guide, The Hollywood Reporter, Entertainment Weekly, TVLine, the AV Club. I noticed that some people were upset with this finale and thought it wasn't, well, good, but then again, I do question if they've been paying attention to everything that's been happening this season. Personally I thought it was good (not great), but I felt it fit in with everything that happened in season 2. Well, except for Katrina's fate, because she disappeared in this episode. (She'll be back in season 3. In what capacity, I'm not sure.) At least this finale didn't give me rage like the Burn Notice finale.

Also, the AV Club shouldn't switch around their usual reviewers for a week as some sort of experiment. And they should also review Scandal.

The episode begins with Jessica giving Mike an ultimatum. It'll be revealed later in the episode, but first

we flash back to six nights earlier, at a party for Pearson and Darby (Scotty's boss') law firms. (Really could've done without the opening roofie joke, jeez.)

Mike and Rachel talk. It's awkward. (This is after the roofie joke, btw.) Harvey interrupts their conversation; after asking about Rachel's response to him, Mike says "What do you think it means? It means you're a dick." "Fair point," Harvey says. "I just didn't know she knew that."

"Everyone knows that," Mike says.

Anyway, Mike and Harvey exchange some documents to use against "her." "Her" is Jessica, and Jessica isn't going to like this.

Meanwhile, Louis and a guy from the other firm, Nigel, argue about spirits. And mud. IDK.

The documents are lawsuits Harvey is attempting to use to stop the merger. If Harvey wins, there won't be a merger.

Jessica notices this and drags Harvey outside, where they exchange words on how she likes the merger and how he will suffer if he doesn't accept it. And, thankfully, Jessica refuses to make Harvey a name partner, for the same reasons she's been denying this to Harvey throughout the whole season: he's too impulsive. And he has issues trusting women as well (see: Scottie). (Which doesn't make him chauvinistic, just...well, a dick.)

The next part starts off with Scottie trying to talk to Harvey. In short, he shuts her down. A little bit longer: he accuses her of agreeing to the merger and not telling Harvey in advance to get her name on the firm's door.

Rachel thinks that Sheila is the reason why she's not getting into Harvard Law. She asks Mike about how it feels to be accepted...yeah.

Louis freaks out when he sees Nigel kissing Donna's hand. (This also makes me sad that, more than likely, word of God isn't going to make Louis and Donna a thing--despite his eccentricities and sex drive, Louis isn't that bad of a guy. He's just one who gets screwed often for Harvey.) Louis and Nigel exchange words and Louis also learns that Nigel's been checking out Pearson (the firm).

Through talking with Donna about her ~betrayal, Louis finds out that Nigel and him are doing efficiency checks to see who's better at their job. Donna tells him to snap out of his funk.

Darby waits outside Harvey's office for Donna to introduce him, but not before he and Mike exchange words about Downton Abbey. He freezes Harvey's client's assets as a warning and he also says that he's clueless, pretty much.

Louis and Nigel square off in the bathroom. It is not as sexual as it seems. Louis "loses."

Rachel wants Mike to sign a recommendation letter so she can get into Harvard. I'd like to take this time to mention that yes, this show went in that Mad Men merger-way, and all the England jokes get tired after the Harry Potter joke. Sorry, writers, but sometimes you have to say no to puns.

Mike talks to Louis about the Harvard stuff. Louis admits he lied to Rachel to Mike.

Harvey tries to get Darby to stop freezing his clients' assets before he leaves for the West Coast, but Darby assures Harvey it's legal. Oh, and Darby straight out says he's trying to put Harvey in his place.

Jessica is upset about Darby going to the West Coast--he's doing it because Jessica can't get Harvey in control.

Louis knows about Harvey trying to stop the merger. Meanwhile, Louis is concerned that Nigel could outshine him if the merger happens. Louis also knows how to stall and give Harvey time to stop the merger--through the efficiency list, which leads into

Harvey stopping at Mike's and eating his Chinese, which is low, dude. With the illegal information about the merger he's obtained, Harvey wants Mike to stop the merger from happening...by himself, because Harvey doesn't want to die with Scottie. Figures.

Scottie meets Harvey at his office anyway (while Jessica meets Mike in the meeting). Scottie tells Harvey he will lose. Scottie and Jessica want the two to give up. Harvey refuses. Jessica confronts Harvey at his office because of Harvey's dirty tactics that she disapproves of. She also warns him of leaving the firm and how he won't be as powerful as he is now.

Donna advises Scottie to walk away from the merger so Harvey will pay attention to her. Meanwhile, Scottie accuses Donna of being in love with Harvey; Donna denies this.

Scottie gives Mike files that could prevent the merger, but she tells him not to reveal she gave him the files. Scottie also reveals a story about how Harvey helped out his brother in law school.

Whatever, Harvey finds out Scottie gave Mike the files anyway.

At a bar, Louis and Nigel talk theater, using "douche bag" in a proper manner and isolation. Louis and Nigel decide to be friends.

Donna confronts Harvey over the merger and Scottie. You know, she's in love with him, his issues with women, etc. She wants Harvey to use Scottie's file.

Jessica threatens to have Mike arrested if he doesn't stop with his motion to stop the firm's merger.

Harvey finds out and fires Mike over Jessica stopping the motion (in the bathroom, which is like the show's other other office, I guess). Jessica steps in and states, more or less, that he's still with Pearson, but he's not Harvey's associate. She also states why she cheated (with the motion) and objected to putting his name on the door.

Mike goes to the file room. (Wait for it.)

Scottie is fired because she tried to stop the merger.

The merger is approved, but according to word of God, it's not official official...yet. There's a chance that, by next midseason, the British won't be in Pearson anymore.

Louis puts himself on the evaluation list, but Nigel didn't. Louis also regrets that, after talking with Donna over this, he wasn't a good friend to Rachel, and he decides to find her. This will happen next season.

Mike has to Darby and welcome him to the firm. He tries to get Scottie's job back, but alas.

FINALLY, Mike admits that he never went to Harvard to Rachel, to not lose her. Naturally, she's pissed. And then--this is the thing I think people who are objecting to the scene don't realize--they have hate sex. Which is what the season ends on, and will explore how incredibly dumb that decision was next season.

Well, at least that scene was hot. I've seen worse. I won't name names, though.

This entry was originally posted at http://merryghoul.dreamwidth.org/217594.html. Comments on either site are fine.

fandom: suits

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