an update of sorts

Dec 21, 2008 23:53

Life: The Cliff's Notes Version

Riley is SO very thirteen. If the next few years doesn't kill one of us, it will be a miracle.

• She is intelligent, witty, energetic and independent, and I love her for it.

• She is lazy, demanding, ungrateful and bitchy, and I hate her for it.

• She is ridiculously beautiful, with boobs that, seriously, won't stop, and I send death vibes, on a daily basis, to creepy old men who ogle her...even while I'm RIGHT THERE.

• She has a boyfriend named...*snerk*...FABIAN.

• She has spent the last two months grounded, for various reasons, but when I consider where her crimes fall on the bad-girl spectrum, I know I am lucky.

Work has, in a word, sucked balls. Okay...two words.

• HUGE layoff.

• More work with fewer people.

• Massive projects with nonexistent timelines.

• 100% client turnover in the middle of the aforementioned massive projects.

• Significant re-work on the same, nonexistent timelines.

• A very REAL sense of gratitude for the fact that, even though it sucks balls, I DO have a job, and am in a good position for look for another one should I decide to do so.


• Paris, Brussels and Bruges, actually.

• Sara is coming with me.

• We land in Brussels bright and early on the 26th, spend the day/night, take the train to Bruges, spend two days/nights, then take the train to Paris on the 29th.

• Sara is renting a flat, I am staying with The Frenchman. We've been writing/talking...we'll see what happens.

• Sara is taking an overnight trip to Reims, The Frenchman and I are taking an overnight trip to Normandy/Mont St. Michel.

• New Year's Eve in Paris, followed by three more days of French immersion, then fly home on the 4th.

• I'm mostly packed...go me!
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