A Crisis of Clothing

Dec 15, 2008 07:13

Yes, I am having a clothes crisis. It's not that I don't have anything to wear....or even that I don't like what I have to wear. No, it's an entirely different kind of crisis.

It's no secret that I am not domestically gifted motivated. I have, in fact, dedicated entire posts here to my domestic shortcomings. Yesterday, though, I kicked laundry's ass. Yesterday, I turned piles of dirties into stacks of clean, neatly folded clothes that were quickly shuttled to their appropriate places of storage (this is BIG for me, you know). This exercise inspired me to purge a giant garbage bag's worth of crap from my closets and drawers, introduced me to the mixing and matching potential of several articles of clothing, and.....took ALLLLLLL day.

So this crisis that I suffer, as I sit here in my towel, is that I can't bear to UN-DO any of my hard work. The thought of pulling a single shirt or pair of pants from the neat and tidy scene is painful. I've contemplated just wearing the damned towel all day, but it's colder than a witch's tit and not expected to get any warmer.

Maybe I'll just call in sick and stay in bed.
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