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toadsavatar September 26 2007, 21:45:15 UTC
Seeing as how they are really following the marvel universe with the powers, I wouldn't put it past them. But I think its him. Seeing as how he did have Claire's healing ability, and she was able to heal after getting close to that radioactive guy.

My favorite scene in that whole ep is when HRG grabbed that asshole manager's finger and told him to back off.


merry_rogue September 27 2007, 00:49:12 UTC
They do seem to follow Marvel pretty closely (Nathan even made a slight comment about their evolutionary group being discovered and then herded onto an island out in the middle of nowhere *cough cough Genosha cough* in an episode, which made a few over-enthusiastic Lost fans go nuts thinking the two shows were merging.)

Really, Heroes pulls from a lot of comic books. Eden's power was more closely related to Jesse Custer's voice-of-God ability in Preacher, and the huge plot of uniting the population by blowing up the city on purpose mirrors the plot to Alan Moore's Watchmen (soon to be a major motion picture).

I just randomly thought about the clone thing while in the shower (where I also had the half-baked idea that Nathan's wife, Heidi, was secretly Uluru, until we finally saw her a third of the way through the series).

Totally agree on the scene with Bennet. He, along with Hiro and Ando, is in my top circle of favorite characters. I loved him even when everyone else thought he was evil.


merry_rogue September 27 2007, 00:53:12 UTC
I also just thought about it.

They conveniently wrote out Janice and Heidi saying that Matt's now divorced and Nathan's current state drove Heidi and the boys away.

Isn't this sort of a cheater's way of showing when they came out to the public about Heidi now being able to walk again?


toadsavatar September 27 2007, 16:32:01 UTC
I didn't like either of those relationship endings. I mean I didn't like Parkman's wife. She just irritated me. But the thing with Nathan's wife being "driven away" by him. Please, they just wanted to get rid of those characters and couldn't think of a better way of doing it.


merry_rogue September 27 2007, 17:56:17 UTC
I was talking with someone a couple days ago about how Niki/Jessica, Micah, and D.L. didn't make any appearances in the last episode and I started wondering if D.L. will even be a character this season ( ... )


toadsavatar September 27 2007, 18:01:05 UTC
Yep she was pregnant. I remember when Hiro went into the future and you see Matt working to help track down the people with powers. They metion him having a son, and how he is under protection.

Oh yeah I remember that incident. They treat Matt like he is just an extra character, but he is more then that.

I have to go back and rewatch the premiere. Someone over on the star wars message board is saying that when Nathan looked in the mirror, he saw his brother Peter burned. And that when Peter shows up he is a "mirror image" of Nathan. I don't recall that at all, and I am trying to figure out where that person got that.


merry_rogue September 27 2007, 18:21:50 UTC
Yeah, actually when Nathan is at a bar (or somehwere like that, can't remember right off), he glances over and sees a mirror, but when he first looks he sees Peter all burned up. Then when he looks again, he sees himself.

When I started this discussion about clones and such in a few of the Heroes communities, someone responded with their theory on that saying that when Peter came in contact with Niki/Jessica in the last episode, he not only got her super strength, but now Nathan (like Niki to Jessica) is seeing Peter's dark side in the mirror and they think this also explains why Peter can't remember anything since he's now split ( ... )


formshaper September 27 2007, 21:17:19 UTC
>> seeing Peter's dark side in the mirror

*facepalm* Best explanation I've heard so far. Of course there's been a lot of discussion about whether it was Peter or Nathan's disfigured face, and I have some good sources who say it's Nathan based on jawline, etc. I can't tell, my tv is too crappy.


toadsavatar September 27 2007, 21:22:21 UTC
See I saw Nathan, but others said it was Peter. I am going to check it out online right now.


merry_rogue September 27 2007, 23:17:10 UTC
When Brandon and I saw it Monday night, his theory was that he saw Peter, but Peter went invisible when he looked again.

That was of course before the ending.

From what I hear, Peter can only use one power at a time, so whenever he kicked into nuclear mode he couldn't do anything else, like fly away, teleport, etc. Some are suspecting that the reason why he might still have scars in the future is that he was too busy doing something else and didn't heal completely.

Sorry, don't know where that came from.


merry_rogue September 27 2007, 23:10:36 UTC
Actually I wouldn't be surprised if it was Nathan. And trying to Google for stills, I keep getting arguments between people that it's either Nathan or Peter.

In looking through the arguments, the Nathan seeing himself as Niki sees Jessica in the mirror theory came up a few times. But it wasn't Peter's darkside they think he sees, but Nathan's own darkness and guilt.

Ah, Heroes theories. IIIIIIII love 'em!


merry_rogue September 27 2007, 23:18:18 UTC
Oh and another thing, when I brought up the clone theory someone said they believe West is a clone of Nathan.

Unlikely, but any thoughts?


toadsavatar September 27 2007, 21:21:24 UTC
The only thing is we still don't know what is up with the whole Nikki/Jessica thing. That still has yet to be explained.


merry_rogue September 27 2007, 23:13:24 UTC
Supposedly there's was a defense thing that came when they were young to protect Jessica. Not sure how Niki absorbed Jessica's psyche, though.


merry_rogue September 27 2007, 23:13:49 UTC
Sorry, *theirs, not there's.


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