this-- I am thrilled & truly touched that so many of you have expressed interest in becoming involved. Thank you!
However, many of your comments have included something to the effect of "I hope I can find time" and I totally understand this, so I would like just a moment to clear something up...
This isn't just about the numbers, but the more responses this project generates the better! Please don't feel that you have to do too much! While it may feel like you aren't doing as much as you could, I believe a short, heart-felt message (In English, even! Really!) - for example - is just as sincere. I don't want time constraints to make you feel as if you can't contribute- every single entry counts; I'd love to hear from you and so would he!
I am moving the deadline up to Saturday, February 28th.
I am doing this in hope that it may give some of you just that extra bit you need to get something in-- but think, you could really write something meaningful in the time it would take you to write a lengthier comment here! Just keep it in mind guys!
Again, the e-mail address for submissions is here-- or feel free to share submissions on the original post (in screened comments)
here. Thank you! :)