(no subject)

Oct 11, 2013 18:33

Dear Yule-writer!

(Some of this is taken directly from my older letters, but only because it's still true!)
First of all:
Thank you for offering something I requested! I adore Yuletide and the folks who participate and I truly appreciate that anyone volunteered to write one of the fandoms I requested. I wrote some prompts in my details, but rest assured, I know that optional details are optional. If you've got an idea that isn't from my prompts? That's totally cool.

Secondly, let's talk generalities:
  • When it comes to rating, I am not picky. I'll be just as happy with a gen story as with smut and vice versa. Don't try and force a sex scene into a story if it's just not going there for you and don't try to keep it all-audiences if things are heating up.
  • I am such a sucker for backstory and continuing stories, seeing what happened before we met the character(s) or after the end of the canon. Missing scenes are great too, but you can always get me with some pre or post-canon.
  • I love angst in stories, but I also like my angst to be resolved by the end of the story. I'm not asking for everything to be super happy funtime with kittens and roses and party balloons, but I'd like some resolution to whatever problem comes up.
  • Looking over my requests, hey, there are two potential threesomes in there. If you want to go that way? Rock on. If not? Fine by me.
  • As for things I really don't like, with the exception of one request (details below), I'd prefer to avoid pregnancy and kid-fic. They're just not really my thing. And when it comes to kink, well, I don't really think I'd want to see much in these particular requests.

Thirdly, the specifics:
1. Local Hero (1983) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nh0ja-BTpbk
Character(s): "Mac" MacIntyre
So what if Mac was drunk when he said he could be an excellent Gordon? I've always felt bad that Mac got shuffled off back to Texas at the end. I'd love to see him return to Scotland, whether it's with the Urquharts or no.
Honestly, Mac could end up in Maine. Doesn't have to be Scotland. But he seemed happy there and so reluctant to go back to Texas. His life in Texas seemed so empty and the closing scene with him laying out his seashells and tacking up his photos was so poignant to me. If you do want to go with the Urquharts (I didn't want to lock them in for you, but feel free to write them), I'd be fine with whatever so long as Gordon and Stella aren't broken up.

2. Invitation to the Game - Monica Hughes
Character(s): Philip, Jon
I adore this book but always felt like there was so much potential for more story with it. I know we never actually meet Philip or Jon, not enough to gauge their characters, but I was hoping for something about their group. How did they form up after school? How did they first encounter the Game? Did they graduate the same year as Lisse's group? If not, how long had they been playing? We see that their clothing is different, that they carry waybread with berries. What part of Prize did they explore first? Or pick up where the book leaves off, with the two groups forming a community and having so much in store for them in their new home.
I almost didn't request this even though I nominated it because I worried no one would ever want to write about two minor characters we only meet in the last chapter. But I did it and if this is what we paired on, you are my hero. This is the one request I mentioned above in the generalities, because obviously in the canon, Lisse is pregnant in the last chapter. If you're going to be writing post-canon for this one, of course she and Philip will have a child. All I'd ask is that the child not be the focal point.

3. The Norman Conquests (Movies) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOWelGRj7ts
Character(s): Annie, Norman, Tom
Another weekend, another disaster? Norman gets himself into such trouble, offering weekends with every lady he can get to. But then Tom does mention that he thinks he, Norman and Annie could have a great time together. Oh, Tom. They don't necessarily even have to go off to East Grinstead together. Why, they could go camping!
I started rewatching this when I found the youtube link and had sudden thoughts about Annie. She seems to very much want the grand gestures that Norman as all about, but she's never going to get them from Tom because Tom wouldn't know a grand gesture if you waved it in his face. Without Sarah around, how would it all turn out?

4. The Box of Delights - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nR0ccgsS0To
Character(s): Maria Jones
Anything about Maria. Please. She's been expelled from several schools. Headmistresses swoon when they hear her name. She's generally got at least one pistol on her at all times. She faced down Abner Brown and Sylvia Daisy Pouncer and they let her go. Maria's exploits before or after the story would be fantastic. How did she get expelled? Ignoring the cop-out ending, what does Maria go on to do later now she's seen true villains and magic at work?
Go ahead and include anyone else from the movie if you like. That ending has always bothered me, but the rest of it is marvelous. If you've read The Midnight Folk, you know that Kay has had prior dealings with Sylvia and Abner. What about Maria? Was this her first encounter with things like this? Her sisters seem like they'd be likely to brush it off, but Maria and Kay are far more drawn to it.

And that's the lot! Feel free to contact me through the mods if you need more than what I've written, or clarification on something. I hope you have an excellent Yuletide!
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