Attempting to be civil

May 05, 2012 14:44

In a vain attempt at writing about something not depressing, I'll talk a little about Harry Potter and Pottermore. I don't know why, it's just on my mind at the moment.

Okay,...for me, playing Pottermore at all was kind of random. More like, out of pure boredom. I like HP and the world and it's really creative and everything, but I was never one of those people that went out to buy the scarves and ran around screaming "stupify!" at strangers. I mean, you're allowed to like something popular without being obsessed with it, right?


Anyway, well, they just opened the site up to the public and there's not much to do at the moment, sans make potions (which I suck at) and duel other students. Though since the public is so far behind the people that got to try it early, it's sort of unfair. Okay, really unfair.

I'm hoping as they open up more sections of the book they'll make more games to play for different classes, like Herbology or Defense Against the Dark Arts which would probably be based off of how well you do in dueling other houses.

Speaking of which, I ended up in Gryffindor. I mean, what? That was the last place I expected, TBH. I'd say out of all the houses Gryffindor probably embodies me the least,...I'm not reckless and brave or anything. Could it be because I work well with others and am the loyal type? Guess that's all it takes. My best friend ended up in the same house, and we have pretty much the same personality and likes for the most part so,...*shrug* Actually a lot of people I know ended up in Hufflepuff (insert joke about Hufflepuffs being lame here). Though I have to admit, it is nice being part of a winning team for once, since Gryffindor has the most housepoints pretty much all the time next to Slytherin. I can kind of imagine if the houses had voices, it's be something like:

Slytherin: So many mudbloods, Gryffindor you suck, let's fight! *points wand at Gryffindor*

Gryffindor: You're going down Slytherin, you evil bastards! *points wand at Slytherin*

Ravenclaw: You're casting that spell wrong! Here, let me show you how it's done! *points wand at everyone*

Hufflepuff: Can't we just all get along? *hiding behind corner*

This reminds me of a funny story about when I was in Europe. There was this girl in my tour group being all, "Oh I can't wait to get to London because of Harry Potter blah blah." When we were in Switzerland I was looking at a map, and one of the cities was called Grindelwald. If you know anything about the series Grindelwald was basically Dumbledore's homolust/homolove interest, so that made me laugh. When I pointed it out to her, she had no idea what I was talking about. Bitch, I'm not even that much into the series but you call yourself a fan and it doesn't ring a bell? Lemme guess, you're one of those people who just watches the films. Kind of like people saying they like Final Fantasy VII after only seeing Advent Children. Whatever.

Anyway, it's interesting to read about the backstory to a lot of the places and characters in the books, if you're a huge HP fan. For everyone else there really isn't much to do there, sans friend people you don't know and duel them. Plus you can't even choose your own username. You mean I can't have HermioneRulz456 or xXDracoLovesHarryXx as my name? Sadface.

harry potter

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