(no subject)

Oct 24, 2009 00:03

To do...this weekend, no less. Though to be honest, this is pretty much a day-in-the-life. If I don't get back to you right away by email or phone, this is probably why.

This is also why I need to be kidnapped and forced into socialization time. Really, go right ahead. I can take it. XD
    • Finish Episode 9 script
    • Send out cast critiques
    • Email audio drama producers with radioplay show update
    • Complete lines for SMS dub
    • Record for Twin Stars
    • Double-check all VA projects for upcoming/needed lines
    • Burn 100 CDs for Magpie Consort
    • Print 100 CD images
    • Deconstruct 300 CD cases for later use
    • Complete paperwork for small business license and operation
    • Update ledger books
    • Finish corner office
    • Finish unpacking and organizing homestuffs
    • Pack for REC classes
    • Read Chapters 1-2 of Modern Recording Techniques for class on Monday
    • Get back to CWC regarding CD design and needed Master CD
    • Email law firm with reminder about comissioned VO christmas project
    • Meet EP for audio drama discussion at the station

Whooo for progress...!

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