Jan 17, 2006 04:31
From underneath a metal garage door he toddled out into the street, clad in a yellow shirt that hadn’t been washed in what looked like ever, and his bare bottom was dusty from playing in the street. He squatted to pee in the drain outside of the holy cow pen, oblivious to our presence next to him. Cows revered because they give sustenance for life. Rats are the messengers of Ganesh, the elephant God, and must also not be killed. “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse…Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.” Romans 1: 18-23 ish.
It’s hard to remember why I’m here. I could get caught up in the Yearbook committee, taking Hindi classes or subbing as an ESL teacher. I could get caught up in so much, and yet He’s trying to teach me something. Compassion for the people? Love that crosses cultures, crosses time zones? Love as an action? Perseverance or hope or faith or the fact that I really am not in control of this great big thing we call life?
The whirlwind of activity that’s been happening over the last few days, (yes I know, it’s only been days…can you believe it? How is it that the time goes both fast and slow?) has finally caught up with me and I realize that I really am an introvert. Oh I do love people, absolutely, and I love being around them, but I’ve missed sitting and reflecting. I got to do that a lot this fall and winter, you’d think it’d tide me over until May when I get home, but sadly I cannot escape from my nature. And sometimes I’m afraid my team is going to be too zealous in the activities they have me participating in. This is what my schedule looks like so far:
8:55-10:20 Level 1 Hindi
1:50-2:45 Individual Hindi
4-6+ Team dinner
7:00-3:00? ish Metro Delhi International School (sub and head of Yearbook)
7:00-3:00? ish Metro Delhi International School (sub and head of Yearbook)
8:00-9:25 Individual Hindi class
10-12- prayer meeting
the rest of the day= tours around Delhi and various other stuff
8:55-10:20 Level 1 Hindi
1:50-2:45 Individual Hindi
And this is just the scheduled stuff…there are prayer meetings and plannings, and for every hour I have class I should study for two hours, and then there’s reading Nehemiah, Joshua, Mark and Acts in 3 weeks, reading several books the team’s recommended, memorizing Urdu Bible verses, etc. Of course all of this stuff sounds really fun, it’s just I’d like to have some down time…some time to reflect, to journal, to write letters and emails and of course I’m blowing it out of proportion because I am an emotional female. I know that there will be down time, that my team will be sensitive to my needs, but I’m still feeling a bit of pressure or stress and I don’t know if it’s coming from within me or from the outside. Stop complaining Jenna, you’re in India….
Last night we had a team meeting that turned into a dance party. It was hilarious. It’s amazing to watch 40 and 50 year old’s dancing to Switchfoort and Relient K. I also broke out the monkey and everyone was impressed. There was laughter and prayer and some really good food. I fit in and that’s wonderful. I thought I’d be the weird one, that I’d have to hide some aspects of myself, but apparently people like me for who I am. Go figure.
Gosh I miss him.