In Memorium

Mar 25, 2010 00:44

X-posted from irana to reach as many people as possible:

This is mermaidblue writing in irana's journal. Sadly this will be the last post in this journal, though the journal itself will be left up in perpetuity.

I honestly don't know how to even being to write this post, much less what to say. It feels presumptuous to even attempt to write in this space.

Tasha was so much better at expressing herself via the written word than I will ever be. She had a gift for making characters that felt real and compelling. But, in real life, it was Tasha herself who was compelling. The very first time I met her, it was a random drop by at a mutual friend's house. We hit it off almost instantaneously, forming the "Big Tittie Committee" on the spot, with an secret boobshake no less! I don't really remember what was said in specific, just the enormous fun we had. People were drawn to her, like a moth to a flame. She often did not realize that she made an impression, but no one who met her ever forgot her ardent opinions on just about everything.

Over the next years, she and her family became an integral and essential part if my life. I couldn't even being to list the things we shared. She saw me through the death of both my parents in a rather short period, and the meeting of the love of my life. I sat with her through some of the darkest nights of her soul, and her joy as we watched her daughter grow. I haunted the hospital when she was went in to heart failure and through her remarkable recovery. If we didn't talk for a week or see each other for a few weeks, I knew something was up. And half the time, when we did call it was met with an "I was just thinking about you!" on the other end of the line.

Some of my best memories of her are of random small events. Driving in the chill December night with the top of my car down and both the heat and the music up at full blast. Shopping silliness at Dragon*con, trying on corsets that transformed me in to the Boob Fairy. Absolutely cracking up with that amazing laugh of hers intertwined with my giggles. Bouncing frantically in front of the pirate ship, trying to get picked for a great deal on a katana. Many a phone call in the wee hours from both ends, when we just couldn't handle something in our lives alone. Sitting on my porch drinking wine and discussing absolutely everything . Some of the things I know can never be spoken aloud to any other soul, but I value the confidence she had in me when she shared them.

But the most important thing about Tasha is that she never, ever gave up. Things had been very hard multiple times in her life, but she never stopped hoping and believing that things would get better. She met every day as a new challenge, and lived each moment to the fullest of her ability. She always had an open heart and a place in it for a new friend, a new adventure, or a new love. Her physical beauty was astounding, but didn't even begin to compare to her joie de vivre and her strength. She was my best friend in the entire world.

I, as with so many others, will miss her more than I could ever say. There is a hole in my life and my heart that will never heal. And there are no words for that.
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