May 25, 2008 09:10
My first real sunburn! It is annoying, but feels like an accomplishment. Of course, the timing is not so good... I am headed to the Caribbean (a place called the Corn Islands) on Wednesday waaay too early in the morning, to get even MORE burned! Yay? Yay.
We are being invaded by ants! Oh no! But I made dinner and dessert tonight with other volunteers I like a lot, and it was great fun. And also delicious.
Tomorrow: lots of errands. Oh well. But maybe Tuesday we will take a trip to Managua to watch Indiana Jones, so that would be cool. There are increasingly reliable rumors that the transit strike is going to start up again come June 1st. Ah well.
It rains and rains and rains... the rainy season is just beginning. It cools things down a lot, which is awesome, but also brings the bugs. Mmm, I hope for lots of playing in the mud as time goes on.
Argh, the sunburn isn't SORE, it's ITCHY. And annoying! Hmph!
OH! But I found powdered soymilk, which is amazing. Whee!