Happy birthday Oh(jii-san)no! and happy thanksgiving!

Nov 26, 2009 14:48

Happy Birthday to Ohno (ojiisan)!! XD Can you believe he's already 29 years old?!?!?! He's becoming an Ojii-san, but well all know he's still a little kid. :3

I hope you had a great birthday filled with many awesome stuff (including going fishing :]) and I hope you have many more great birthdays to come. You are a very admirable person, and I hope you will never change. ^______^ Once again, Happy Birthday! :DD

My goodness, look at that cute head~ XD so cute~

Ohno was lucky enough to receive a ring from Gackt! This was too cute~

So I kind of stole this off of OHNOHOLIC's website. ^^;; I took a screen cap of her scans from this magazine shoot. :X I'M SORRY!! >___< But I really wanted this pic, like badly. :O This picture is so freaking adorable~!!! It's currently like on everything I have (cellphone background, desktop, will soon make this an icon maybe...).

This guy kills me~ <3 XD

It is also Thanksgiving today! I would like to thank everyone on my F-list and actually everyone in the Arashi fandom! You guys are really great and you dedicate so much time doing stuff like translating and giving me things to flail about. XDD I would also like to take this time to apologize to you guys on my F-list. I don't think I comment on your posts enough and I get back to replying late, so I'm sorry for that. m(_ _)m From now on I hope to change that!!

As for this Thanksgiving day weekend, It started off really great! You see, one of my best friends currently goes to college on the mainland and she had told me that she was going to stay with her Aunty up there, BUT she lied. She surprised me yesterday by coming to campus and meeting me after one of my classes!! :OO I was suuuper surprised and happy. ^___^ My other friend had kept it a secret from me too, so they both did a great job surprising me. :]

I am also excited for tomorrow because it is...BLACK FRIDAY!! Yes, I am going to go and tackle those crowds of people and I will win! lolz Should be interesting tomorrow, It will be my first time going shopping on Black Friday. :P

Well, I hope you all have a wonderful (Ohno filled) day! :D

life, birthday, thank you!, idols: ohno satoshi

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