AnS [2009.11.23] picspam!!

Nov 23, 2009 23:24

A Monday is never complete without AnS! It has been a while since I've made a screencap post of AnS. This week was sort of a no money special, I thought their new corner thing was freaking hilarious and I wouldn't mind seeing them do this once a month or so. XDD

I wasn't really able to understand what their topic was about, but I was able to understand what dialect they should be talking about XDD

First Category was acting samurai and talking about something recent that happened that was embarrassing.

Aiba tells them about his recent event about his car/horse (since there were no cars back in those samurai days) and then he starts to confuse them with the hi-tech terms and tell him he's a liar. XD


Calm down yo!

2nd Category, they had to tell of a dream they had and they had to over react to everything. MatsuJun was telling them he had a dream while they were in Sapporo (I think?) and something about a gun and someone getting shot, and so the rest of them were pretending to get shot. LOLZ

Let the over reaction begin!


"BANG, BANG, BANG!!!" ~>:D

They all got shot

And here's the close up.

And then Ohno yells out, "yokatta." Totally wasn't expecting that!

Everyone's happy to know that it was just a dream.

Laughing Aiba :DD

All pau, stey tired now.

Third situation, topic not sure, but I think they're supposed to be acting as Osugi and Piko(?), not quite sure who that is though. :O

LOLZ they're all sitting with their knees together

I was able to get MatsuJun and his hand/arm XP

Fourth situation, topic was appealing points(?) and they had to talk on baby language. BAHAHA everyone has to dress as babies again, so cute~!

Sho fails once again, he has his bonnet(?) on backwards. XDD

MatsuJun baby is still a meanie :P Hitting Ohno baby

Fifth situation they were people who had to pee like super badly but couldn't go to the toilet or something along those lines, topic clue. But who cares because it's freaking hilarious, but if they ever had to pee or poop really badly, that's what they would look like. :P Super attractive huh? haha

Everyone picking on Ohno again, and tells them that he kind of just pee'd his pants. XD lolz

Apparently Aiba has to poop now too...XP

Sixth Situation they are all yankee's now! Topic, whether or not they're dogs or cats. LOLZ Can you imagine if real yankee's fought over that, that would be freaking hilarious, but not hilarious if they were beating you up about it. :P

"I'm a dog!!"

"No one here's a cat!" :raise hand: "HAI!"


"Fine, fine, I'm a dog."

Gotta fix the hair...

Back to being cool yankees. :P

Seventh situation they had to act like Beat Takeshi, and I'm not sure what their topic was, something to do with this year. lolz when they talk like him, it makes them look like they have paranoia twitching habit or something. lolz

Eighth situation, topic not sure again, and they had to have mic appeal or something? IDK but if Nino were to ever just loose it one day, I wouldn't like to be near him. :X

I like how everyone angrily threw the mic down, while Ohno kind of not really angrily threw it down. XD

Ninth sitation: OMG this one is my favorite XD Had to talk about the appeal in each member and talk like a foreigner talking in Japanese. zomg so funny this one XDD there was a lot of "oh my god"s and small bits of engrish :DD This one was full of Sho win XD

"Let's start with Aiba." "What is Aiba's appeal?" "(He doesn't have) None." "Oh my god." :nose falls off:


"OOOOH my GOOD." :O *close up*

"Help me, help me..."

:nose falls off: bahahaha XDD

:puts nose back on: "I'm back." :D

Before they could talk a lot about Satoshi, time runs out. aww

WOW that was a long post, but it was fun. :DDD I can't wait to watched his subbed although you don't really need them to find this hilarious. XDD and if you haven't watched it you better go watch it!!

artists: arashi, screencaps, ans

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