Photography= Maou= Craziness??

May 04, 2009 11:24

It's the last 2 weeks of my Spring semester in college and I must say it has been kind of hectic (more like photography class has been hectic). I was actually going to talk about my overall photography experience after I actually finished it, but right now I feel like talking about it as I continue to cram to finish my last project in the next 2 days.

SO, as I said earlier I'm taking Photography for my Spring semester and I must say it's a very fun class, although it get's really frustrating and stressful (well for me anyways). To me, photography is a very technical form of art. You have to know how much light you want exposed to the film and if you want motion blur lines or how you want to convey a certain aspect, etc. When it comes to technical things, I get kind of impatient and at times I give up, but for this class I somehow managed to pull my weight through it. [Now that I think about it, graphic design is pretty technical ne? D: dang and it's going to be my major! Well, we will see how I fair with it after I start taking design classes] This class is very enjoyable and I really wouldn't mind learning more about it, but It eats up a lot of your time and I don't think it's something I want to pursue with projects (I would rather do it for fun and at my own pace kinda thing). My overall experience with this class has been quite enjoyable and I would really recommend taking the class if you have a lot of free time or if you are interested in photography and don't mind putting in the time.

So how does this whole experience relate to Maou? As you all know, Naruse spent half his time stalking Toma or at home/in the red room aka the photography dark room. I must say, spending a lot of time in a photography dark room can get pretty tiring and I guess it does get kind of loneley after a while. I sort of realized this as I was in the photography lab for about 4 hours yesterday (>_>). I can see why they used the dark room as one of the settings for Maou. The isolation of the room and the red lights play a big factor in building Naruse's character (although the lights in the dark room at school are orange).

I must also say that Naruse has perfected printing pictures! lol I don't see any contact sheets or practice prints, etc! haha He also has an expensive hobby! (Yes, photography adds up to be pretty expensive!) AND him constantly being the dark room shows how much free time he has even though he is a lawyer! Dang! So yes, in a way you could actually say that Naruse is somewhat crazy... =P but we all still like him!

Well that was my 5 cents for the day (also a random analysis hah).

Now, I must live at the photography lab for the next 2 days D: I hope I survive!

*Random: Haven't tried listening to the Maou OST in the dark room yet...I think I will try it today =P I'm sure it will be very EPIC!

drama: maou, random

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