
Apr 23, 2009 20:51

Guess what I found recently?? That's correct! I found fancams of...all most of Ohno's butai's! YES!! I love fancams! >__< I thank the people who record them and share them with us and I love them to death =D

Since I found most of them, I decided to watch 'Amatsukaze' first because it was his most recent one and earlier I had found a small interview with Ohno in regards to 'Amatsukaze.' This will be my opinion/review on 'Amatsukaze,' so click on the cut if you're bored enough to read it. =P

After watching this, I was seriously hooked onto it. I have watched 'Tensei Kunpu' previously (w/subs) and I really enjoyed it, but somehow, 'Amatsukaze' stuck with me more. I think it has a lot to due with the fact that it's the starting point of the whole Puu series and by knowing how everything comes together just makes it's that more brilliant.

I'm somewhat lazy at the moment, so for a summary of Amatsukaze you can find it here @ nyonyo. She actually got to go to the performance, so lucky! (And, I don't know her, I just happened to find a summary from google!)

I hope you read the summary because this is where I get to rant about why I'm so hooked on to it and for I can spoil things. =P

Story: I absolutely love the story line! I think it's a great starting point for the series, and it definitely explains the other butai's in the Puu series. The story resembles Rurouni Kenshin except in Nagi's case he didn't fall in love with anyone, he just meet an influential person. Since I was only able to understand the basic outline of the story, I got confused at some points and couldn't quite put some points together. (I didn't understand why the sister went crazy >_>)

The transitions between scenes were really beautifully done. As explained in Nyonyo's summary, there were parts where they used long pieces of material and used that to represent different things such as the dream sequence, or using it to metaphorically depict Nagi's consciousness.

Characters: Each character was portrayed very well and you couldn't help but like them all even if they were evil-ish. Although Ohno's character- Nagi- was emo/angry (I usually don't care for characters like these), you could tell that inside he was troubled and I felt very sympathetic towards him. Most of the time, I was rooting for him for he could become like the wind. I must also say, Ohno was pretty BA in this burai. XD I also liked the interaction between Kida and Ohno, they did super well for not rehearsing together too much!

Choreography: Of course it was kick ass! I was very impressed how smoothly each of the fight scenes were and even though it was kind of repetitious, it was still entertaining.

Favorite Bits: One of my favorite parts of the butai would have to be the use of the long material (the transition bits), I still find it super beautiful and elegant! Another was when Nagi's sister sang the song 'Amatsukaze.' She had a really nice voice and it was mysterious.

My most favorite part of the whole butai would have to be the end where Ohno sings the 'Amatsukaze' song. He sang it very delicately, almost in a whisper, and it was very haunting and beautiful. It gave me chicken skin and I think it will remain as one the most memorable scenes that Ohno has ever done (so far). Luckily, I found a clip of the part that he sings/the ending part of the butai. =D

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Conclusion:I really thought this was a good butai, and not just because Ohno was in it. Everyone carried their roles out wonderfully, and the whole thing was executed professionally and with out a doubt, nothing was done half-assed.

I seriously hope that this comes out on DVD. I would really like to see the full play (since the fancam just focused on Ohno the whole time >_<) and I would like to be able to enjoy to it's highest extent. =] SO, PLEASE J-STORM!! Please release this butai on DVD! >__< Please and thank you!!

(not a very good review, but just needed to toss my thoughts out =P)

ohno satoshi, review

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