Nov 04, 2023 11:21
Halloween: my church did a trunk-r-treat. My mom *was* going to volunteer our car, but then mid-month she had a change of mind, and backtracked (the church my family originally started at taught that halloween was the devil's holiday and discouraged ANY participation. So that night, our church would hold a bible-themed pizza and games night.) Unfortunately by this time, she'd already gotten me to spend almost $150 on a costume and goodie bag treats, of which only around $20 was still returnable for a refund. So we wound up doing what we do every year (buy far too much candy and only get like, 12 kids at our door).
Work/family: mom got another job idea. This time it's remote work with insurance. But of course even though it's *her* idea, she wants *me* to get all the info and then relay it back to her (and then she tears through it asking questions I never even thought to ask about, which then "proves" that I don't care. Add in that we have notoriously horrible reception in our community, so we have to leave the house anyways.
Household: mom got ticked about the way the carpet looks, and decided to get her box-cutters *right then* and removed the carpeting from the stairs and upstairs hallway. After she calmed down, I shared safety tips with her I found online. I did try to help later that afternoon but of course I stuck my hand where it wasn't supposed to and got stabbed by a rug staple.
Weather/holidays: it's not cooperating anymore. My hometown radio station that used to play Christmas music got replaced, but another station picked up the slack. But I'm not ready to switch over from Autumn Mode to Christmas Holiday Snow Cold Winter Mode.
its the most wonderful time of the year,