[Mod post!] A Layout Mess

Sep 09, 2019 20:40

Hi all!

Long time no post. Like literally, I can't remember when I last posted on LJ but I do still check it every day since I mod more than one community, including this one.

I wanted to make a quick post to let you all know since the image host TINYPIC is shutting down, the main layout for merlinxarthur is going to be messy. All the tiny images, as well as the headers and backgrounds I used for this layout, were all hosted on TinyPic. Photobucket is no longer free so while I look for an alternate website to host these images, it's going to look icky for awhile if you are looking at the main page. Also, since I really don't have the time at the moment to look for an alternate free image hosting site AND re-upload all the images on there AND find all the links in the html coding for the layout to replace them, I am not sure when I will be able to tweak it so it'll look nice again.

I apologize in advance! But if anyone has any ideas where I can host these images for free, let me know. Hopefully I find time to fix this. Thanks!


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