Fic: The Yule King

Jan 07, 2015 23:00

Title: The Yule King
Author: gwylliondream
Rating: R
Words: 10,015
Warning: Mpreg
Disclaimer: All characters are the property of BBC/Shine and their creators.
Summary: Yule time has come to Camelot, but Merlin isn't feeling well. When he discovers the reason for his illness, he fears his secrets will be exposed. Not only is he the king's bed-mate, but he also has magic. He wants to flee Camelot to keep Arthur from losing the respect of his people. Fortunately, Arthur's cooler head prevails and the men find a happy ending together.
A/N: The Yule King was written as a gift for merlin_holidays 2014.

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genre: mpreg, rating: r [2], fanfic [2], contributor: gwylliondream

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