Fic: The Once and Future King - Chapter Three

Jan 06, 2015 18:45

Title: The Once and Future King
Author: satsuki_tears
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: A lot of pairings are hinted toward. Sloooow burn eventual Merthur.
Warnings/Spoilers: General spoilers for everything up to 3x08 but nothing too drastic. General, canon-typical violence.
Disclaimer: I do not own BBC’s Merlin, obviously.
Summary: (4 years later) Sequel to " The Sword in the Stone". Arthur knows of Merlin's magic, but their destiny has only begun. The journey to uniting the lands of Albion is long and filled with danger. Presented in 14 parts.

Chapter Two:
"An old friend returns and Camelot is besieged by creatures half human and half bird. Coincidence? When the knights ride out to face this new threat, Merlin finds that his magic is useless! And as the sun sets, there's a flash of silver in the sunlight."



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rating: pg-13 [2], fanfic [2], contributor: satsuki_tears, genre: pre-slash

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