Fic: Anything For Love

Sep 30, 2013 09:58

Title: Anything for Love
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin with mentioned Gwaine/Morgana
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin or any of the recognisable characters. They all belong to the BBC and Shine TV
Summary: They agreed to get married as friends, promising themselves that they would hide their true feelings. But true feelings can never remain silent…
Authors Notes: Set during the canon era but AU as Merlin and Hunith have always lived in Camelot, Morgana isn’t Uther’s daughter and very few of the recognisable knights exist. Written for the following prompt by
kitty_fic: Arthur has to the age of ? to get married. He asks his best friend to marry him in name only. They end up falling in love and having sex (or maybe they’ve always been secretly in love) or maybe they are forced to prove they have consummated the relationship. But when they do and Merlin gets pregnant - it complicates matters entirely! Written for merlinmpreg

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genre: mpreg, genre: au, contributor: vix_spes, genre: fluff, rating: r, fanfic

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