One-Shot - Merlin/Arthur - Boobs and Bank Holidays - G Rating

Sep 30, 2013 10:55

Title: Boobs and Bank Holidays
Author: Bekah Rose
Rating: G
Word Count: 1298
Summary: It's a bank holiday and rather than spending the morning making the most of their day off, Arthur and Merlin are woken by a rather obnoxious ringtone, heralding the arrival of Arthur's sister.
Disclaimer: Merlin and Co are the rightful property of BBC and Shine, I make no money from this, and am simply using these amazing characters to stretch my writer muscles. I promise to put them back when I'm done.
Notes: Written for merlin_writers September Prompt, 'Coffee'. I chose prompt #16: "I literally just wiped coffee off of the corner of my mouth with my boob because my hands were full. Thought you'd be proud. Good morning!"

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genre: established relationship, genre: humour, rating: g, genre: au, 1st time posting, genre: fluff, fanfic

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