
May 05, 2009 02:39

Who: Gwen and open
What: Looking for Larry
When: late at night.
Where: All over the shop.
Rating: W for WTH?

Larry's happiness was going to be short lived )

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lilygraceevans May 5 2009, 14:02:40 UTC
Lily had spent the evening building a TARDIS with Remus and had therefore ended up late for patrols, which she was supposed to be carrying out with one of the Slytherin prefects. She and the aforementioned Slytherin had come to an agreement several months ago that when they were made to patrol together by the head students, they would split up and both take separate areas in the school, rather than be forced to walk together and endure each other's insufferable company.

Therefore, she was completely alone when she happened upon Gwenog Jones at the bottom of the astronomy tower, clad in only her nightie and looking like she had just wandered out of a dream.

"Gwen?" she said, tucking her hair behind her ear as she approached the older girl. "Are you sleepwalking or something."


use_your_noggin May 5 2009, 15:36:42 UTC
She looked up at Lily, her expression full of pure bemusement.
"No, no...I think I was looking for Larry..."
She said as though she couldn't quite believe that she was actually here.


lilygraceevans May 5 2009, 15:48:52 UTC
"Right." Lily cocked her head to the side and surveyed Gwen with confusion. She wasn't aware that anyone named Larry even went to Hogwarts, and as a prefect she was pretty clued in as far as who's who was concerned. "Who exactly is Larry?"


use_your_noggin May 5 2009, 15:58:45 UTC
Her brow was now wrinkled in confusion and her cheeks were beginning to heat up out of embarrassment as well.
"That's just it...I think-I think he might, actually...not exist."


lilygraceevans May 5 2009, 16:09:08 UTC
Gwen was obviously drunk. Or magically Confounded. Or actually was sleepwalking and just didn't realize it.

"I see," she put her thumb in her mouth and chewed on her nail. "And you're searching for him because..."


use_your_noggin May 5 2009, 16:12:06 UTC
"Well Andie told me to, she wants me to teach him a lesson by not having sex with him. She said he looked nothing like James and wasn't on the quidditch pitch...and that I would find him on a horse wearing high heels..."
She was sure this hadn't been a dream. Though Andie was clearly talking utter bollocks.
She felt quite mortified that she had just announced that she basically insane.


lilygraceevans May 5 2009, 16:17:46 UTC
Lily's lips quirked upwards a little. Gwen must have been half asleep when Andie had told her this. Either that or she was just really devoted to her friend.

"I'm.... glad he doesn't look anything like James, then, averse as I am to the idea of his image being so horribly polluted by a comparison to such a person," she said, her tone perfectly serious but her eyes giving her away. "And is Larry the one wearing high heels or is it the horse?"


use_your_noggin May 5 2009, 16:21:18 UTC
She nodded,
"I'm quite glad he doesn't look like james too." She murmered quietly, realising that Lily must think she was complete mental case. She figured she was tired, and being tired made her impressionable. Especially by those she loved.
"It was definitely the horse who was wearing the heels, because I remember Andie mentioning animal cruelty."


lilygraceevans May 5 2009, 16:29:43 UTC
That was it. Lily burst out laughing.

"It's alright, I get it," she giggled, covering her mouth with her hand as she watched Gwen, who looked like a deer caught in the headlights. "Andie's in love, love makes you barmy and she has that magical ability to influence people with her love hormones."


use_your_noggin May 5 2009, 16:35:45 UTC
Gwen's frown slowly melted away and was replaced by a relieved smile.
"That makes so much more sense."
She said, feeling like an idiot for not realising it herself.
"Thanks Lily, I really though I was actually going insane for a moment. Seriously, a horse...in heels?"


lilygraceevans May 5 2009, 17:25:22 UTC
"Why was Andie telling you all of this, anyway?" she asked, genuinely confused. Love-sickness allowed for a certain degree of insanity, but fabricating men who made horses dress in couture was a bit much, even for her.


use_your_noggin May 5 2009, 17:59:56 UTC
"Oh she was drunk."
She said, offhand as though this didn't explain everything she had just said and done in the past ten minutes.
"I find it really fun to along with her drunken ramblings, I think I went too far..."


lilygraceevans May 5 2009, 18:07:30 UTC
"Andie's so fun," Lily enthused, giggling at the thought of what crazy things sprung from the mind of a drunken Andromeda Black. "It makes me so happy that she's with Amos, he's like, the nicest guy in the whole world and she deserves the best."


use_your_noggin May 5 2009, 18:12:40 UTC
"Definitely, Andie's amazing." She said, smiling at the thought of her drunken best friend sat writing in her journal, "I love her to bits, and Amos is perfect for her, thank god. I was worried there wouldn't be a guy good enough for her but he's great. He makes her happy and loves her, which is all I can ask."


lilygraceevans May 5 2009, 18:29:15 UTC
"I can't believe they're married, that's insane!" she added, smiling from ear to ear. Lily still carried around a lot of guilt concerning the train wreck that had been her and Amos, and nothing made her happier than seeing him with a girl who was not only right for him, but who loved him in the way he deserved to be loved; completely. "Next thing you know they'll be having kids!"


use_your_noggin May 5 2009, 18:34:13 UTC
She grinned,
"Do you know, I think that isn't too absurd an idea anymore, they might actually start spawning the little darlings anytime now."
She wouldn't put it past Andie, that girl was dead set on having Diggobabies as soon as possible. Gwen didn't blame her, they would be the most amazing children...ever.


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