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foxie_trot October 12 2009, 19:29:20 UTC
Gosh, this fic was amazing. I don't think I've ever read anything like it ... usually I don't read fics that centre around Uther, but I'm so glad I read this one. I LOVE the way you made him seem more intelligent than they do in the show - that he realises Arthur set the magic girl free but feigns ignorance. I think it was great how you included Nimueh into his past as well, that was very interesting.

My favourite bit though, was in the end, Uther realising Merlin was magic from what he remembered from Nimueh and deciding not to execute him on the spot. LOL what I would have given to see the look on Merlin's face. XDD


Late Reply Is Late nyxelestia October 15 2009, 00:13:16 UTC
Yeah, I was hesitant about using Uther as the main character, but, well, he was calling! ^_^ I'm glad you still liked him, though, as a character.

And apart from occasional glimpses, Uther has been largely-one dimensional on the show, and that's including his issues with Nimueh, so I had some fun and gave it all a little more depth.

I'm glad to hear you liked it! ^_^


:) S'ok foxie_trot October 15 2009, 17:22:30 UTC
It's interesting, because you don't see many fics from his POV (probably why I read it). And it's weird because I used to absolutely hate Uther, but now ... since mid-last season, I've really taken to him. He can be a bit of a douche, but he really does have some good qualities this season, and has been quite reasonable about everything (thinking Ep4 just gone, specifically)

:) I'm really glad you did, because I really hope we see more into Uther's character next episode. We finally get an Uther-centric episode! :D Can't wait!


Re: :) S'ok nyxelestia October 16 2009, 04:30:40 UTC
Yeah, I know. I know Uther is essentially supposed to be the real "extended villain" and as the villain in what is still technically a kid's show, I'm not entire surprised that he's so 1D, but it's still nice to see him getting depth. I love villains best when they're actually somewhat hard to hate - hence my involvement of Nimueh in the fic, as well. ^_^

But yeah, I've been having a lot of fun with Uther, lately - this fic has already spawned two sequels, which I'm working on, right now, along with a "spin-off" fic. :D And both the sequels are still largely Uther's POV - it's just so much fun!

And, I shamelessly squeed when I saw that the next eppi was Uther-centric! ^_^


Re: :) S'ok foxie_trot October 16 2009, 09:02:05 UTC
Well I definitely share your sentiments there. I understand this is written for kids and such, but still - villians have storylines too! And ditto on villians being hard to hate. As I am slightly weird, I generally love to hear about villians story and why they hate people - hence why I quite like Nimueh in the first season (even though she's trying to kill everyone right and left). She has a reason. Sure, it's not explored, but I can fill in the gaps - and your fic certainly helps with that ( ... )


Re: :) S'ok nyxelestia October 16 2009, 14:58:43 UTC
Yeah, villains are usually among the deepest of characters in a good series - namely in that there's so much more background needed for them. Which makes them more fun to play with, as well. ^_^

And to be honest, I think I'm already a bit of an Uther fangirl. ^_^

Feel free to friend me all you want - though soon, I'll also post this fic, and future fics, on merlinxarthur, merlinslash, and merlinfic (and hell, one of the sequels might make utherxtheboys, depending on how it goes ;D) so you'll find it there, too.

And fatherly!Uther should be fun. ^_^ I can't wait! *does can't wait dance and ignores weird looks from classmates*


Re: :) S'ok foxie_trot October 16 2009, 20:51:43 UTC
That is definitely a good point! Villians should get a really intricate background (don't know why I hadn't really thought of it before). I will have to keep that in mind with my own writings :)

Hahah, I expect there will be a lot more Uther fangirls after the next episode. :D And I doubt many of us could resist Anthony Head for much longer!! ;]

Oh awesome, glad you're going to post it in the comms. Right now [with all the travelling] I am only following 2 of the merlin comms, but not checking any of the fics ... so it'll be a good thing if I friend you. :)

LOL *giggles childishly to weird out the rest of my dorm* XD I am still annoyed that it's not on this Saturday. I COULD HAVE WATCHED IT AT THE SAME TIME WITH BRITAIN. UNCOOL BEEB. I am going to be jumping out of my skin waiting for Fatherly!Uther!! :D Can't wait can't wait can't wait!!!! ^-^


Re: :) S'ok nyxelestia October 17 2009, 04:00:20 UTC
Wait, it's not on, this Saturday?

Anyway, the thing about villains is that most people have a tendency towards being good people, mostly because the average person is raised that was. With villains, you need a background to a.) explain how they ended up "bad"/evil, or b.) justify their reasons for thinking that what their doing is not evil.

And Anthony Head is making me want to watch Buddy the Vampire Slayer - I've never had much interest in the series before, though. Besides which, he is quite the charming man, if what I heard from the BFI 201 screening is anything to go by. *mental note: find a video/transcript of the full thing...* Besides, in his own, weird way, he is kind of hott. ^_^

As for comms - yeah, I'll be posting there, though at this point, I may have to go find someone on Merlin_betas to help me...


Re: :) S'ok foxie_trot October 18 2009, 00:26:46 UTC
Yea, there's something else (a sport or Grand Prix) happening instead, so no Merlin. D:

But yes - you're totally right about villians. And I think because they are so different from 'normal people' and think in such a different, skewered way, it makes them far more interesting than a lot of the good guys. Definitely well articulated points there! ^^;

Same! I never wanted to watch Buffy before, until I saw Anthony Head being amazing, and now I really want to see it. I've noticed that he has the most ridiculously adorable laugh, which is really odd when he plays such a stern-faced King! XD;
[Oh, and I totally have the hots for Anthony. He's on my 'older men I'd tap' list. XDD;]

Ahh well, good luck with the beta's. :) I'm glad to hear your getting one, since a lot of people recommend it. I look forward to your post when you've done though! :D


Re: :) S'ok nyxelestia October 18 2009, 00:50:06 UTC
I also have this theory about Villain!Love which falls into my Badass Boy theory: mystique. It's a well known fact that people care about their stuff more when they actually had to work for it. With a Badass Boy, the Goody-Goody-Two-Shoes Girl has to work her way into his heart, both because she isn't normally his type, and because there has to be a reason why he's "Bad". Even if ultimately, he isn't "bad", just 'badass', she still had to work her way there.

With good stories, you tend to want to understand all the characters, even the villains. But good guys are easy to understand - bad guys, not so much. Hence why villains often get just as much love as heroes, if not sometimes more. (I think of Harry Potter - Voldemort, once you know his whole story, becomes an object of pity above all else, and Malfoy becomes a much more popular character once we get some background on him in HBP).

And yeah, Anthony Head is currently tied with Hugh Laurie on the Older Guys I Want To Ravish And Debauch Fuck. ^_^


Re: :) S'ok foxie_trot October 21 2009, 21:55:44 UTC
I can definitely see your point there - I think it is very much a smiliar thing, and it is almost like the bad boys are a draw for some women. I personally just think it's intrigue, but you are definitely right when you say that they have to work for what they want. And that is definitely a more interesting story line, than having practically everything fall into your lap.

And I totally know what you mean about HP - Snape is one of my all time favourite characters (hell, I remember back in the day there was a poll done where he had 75% of the popular vote, over both Dumbledore and Harry!!), and that's definitely because had sufferent so much in life and yet still fought - always undercover - for the good guys. But alas, I digress.

LMAO Hugh Laurie, I'd almost forgotten about him (D: I know, what is wrong with me?) but god, DO WANT. Rwar.


Re: :) S'ok nyxelestia October 22 2009, 03:16:38 UTC
Snape, Draco, Uther, Nimueh...all blends together, in that while they're all bad guys, people want to know more about them, and what makes them them. Hence why they're so popular. ^_^

And, yeah, Laurie. *starts planning drugging, kidnapping, and ensuing threesome* Want to join? I have room for a foursome! ^_^


Re: :) S'ok foxie_trot October 22 2009, 20:25:30 UTC
Yes, you're right. I guess I just had to relate it to something that I could identify with! Don't know why I never really thought about it before ...

I would definitely be up for that. XD; Foursome's all the way dude! :D


Re: :) S'ok nyxelestia October 26 2009, 00:45:43 UTC
People often don't think about things that don't relate to them.

And I'll be sure to tell House and Uther Hugh and Anthony that you're coming.

OMG, random: What would happen if Greg House met Uther Pendragon? @_@

Also - I've posted Part 1 of the story on merlinxarthur, merlinfic, and merlinslash. ^_^


Re: :) S'ok foxie_trot October 27 2009, 20:33:51 UTC
Lol, you're definitely right there. Sadly it's something I have to deal with all too often. >_>;

Bwahaha, sounds awesome. We would definitely have to have them act in character one time too. XD; It would answer your question and I reckon the result would be pretty hilarious.

OMG excellent, can't wait to read. I might not for a little while, because WIP's are seriously the death of me, but you'll know because I'll comment since I can't shut my mouth about anything. XD;


Re: :) S'ok nyxelestia October 27 2009, 23:44:35 UTC
I don't think I can actually write it. Half of me wants to say they would get along splendidly in their singularity-origin bitterness and hatred of the world, the other half wants to say they'd end up trying to kill each other, resulting in some epic fight between Uther with his sword and House with his cane. :D


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