Title: The Quality of Mercy
nyxelestiaPrompt image no.:
Rating: R
Length: ~21,000 words
Summary: When Uther starts really paying attention to Arthur and his manservant, he finds himself feeling deja vu too much for comfort...
Warnings/Spoilers: threesome sex, swearing, mentions of blood, spoilers for Season 1
Story/Author's notes: I am SO sorry it's late - unfortunately, school does happen to take presidence. :( Not to mention, this fic was originally supposed to barely brush 5,000 words, maybe, so now that it's grown to 21,000...
Also, because of the length of the fic and deadlines, what you see here is the unbeta'd version. I will post up the beta'd version once I get it back from said beta. ^_^
Anywho, the story was too big to post on LJ all at once, and LJ takes forever to format and this is the unbeta'd version, anyway, so I posted on my site. It links right back to here, so just pretend it's an LJ fake cut for me, please? :D
It's 11:54 PM, and I have made the deadline by far too thin a margin! *shifty eyes* Again, so sorry - and, please review!
The Quality of Mercy Mod note: There's a link to the next part of the story at the bottom of each page.