New vid: We've Got It Goin' On

Nov 18, 2011 19:45

Title: We've Got It Goin' On
Artist: The Backstreet Boys
Creator: Scribe
Summary: For rubber_glue's Fall Fandom Free-For-All prompt of the knights of the round table set to a boyband song. Utter crack.
Length: 3:49
Spoilers: the briefest glimpse of the trailer for 4x08
Notes: Thanks to fiercynn and fizzyblogic for all their help, encouragement, and super fast beta work.

We've Got It Goin' On from Scribe on Vimeo.

password: boyband


For the record, I would like to note that I only added two bits of slow motion to this myself. All the rest is courtesy of the Merlin editors.

character: arthur, artist: glass_moment, character: lancelot, character: percival, character: gwaine, character: merlin, character: cast, character: knights, character: leon

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