Title: At the moment? "That Dumb Amnesia!fic." What, it's a working title. :((((
Genre: Modern-day AU, romance. :| I'm not sure if it's supposed to be entirely serious, either.
Pairing, or characters: Arthur/Merlin, with the focus on Merlin and appearances by most others.
Type of beta you'd like: Okay, first off, I'm not finished with it yet. So a plot-bouncer would be awesome, and a Brit-picker would rock my socks because for a modern AU I really, really need one. (I'm an American living in Canada, I am confused enough already without trying to write something set in London, idek. SEND HALP.) I'm not too worried about spelling or grammar, but I'm constantly nervous about characterization and ridiculous plot holes, and whether or not I'm being overly verbose. And maybe it would be nice to have someone good at handholding as well as criticism. Basically, I'd need someone to work on this with me back and forth for a while, so if anyone is willing to pick it up they'd have my undying adoration. And gratitude. And cookies.
Length, or word count: It's resting at 7,000 and is not looking to be done all that soon.
Short Summary: Inspired by
harlequinmerlin's neverending cliche challenge. I wanted to take the agonizingly inaccurate amnesia-romance genre and make it something grittier and more realistic. (Of course, it still winds up being romantic and possibly sappy, but that's just because Arthur and Merlin share a Great Destiny. Canonically.) Anyway: Merlin gets knocked in the head one day and wakes up to a blond man calling him an idiot and insisting he's Merlin's boyfriend. Merlin finds this hard to believe. What follows is the Epic Tale of Merlin dealing with the aftereffects of amnesia, (re)discovering new (old?) friendships, and realizing that he's lost what just might have been the best eight months of his life.
Thanks so much, guys.
eta: Picked up by the valiant
kelene! :D