Dec 24, 2010 02:38
I am out of shape, duh. Right now weigh about 220. High school weight was about 175, lowest about 160 during cross country, near 180,185 when I began college.
I have been wanting to get back down to high school weight-ish while keeping most of the muscle I have packed on since beginning to really lift weights.
The best way to measure my progress is to see where I want to get to, and honestly evaluate where I am now.
1 mile: ~9 min.
3 mile: ~34 min.
5000m rowing: 27 min.
Squat: comfortable at 205 for 8 reps
Deadlift: 225 for 5 reps
For anything involving my shoulders, I have had recent injuries preventing me from really doing heavy lifting involving overhead movements, including bench press.
Goals for 2011: (which I think is pretty accessible, should revise in 3-6 months)
1 mile: 7 min
3 mile: 25 min
5000m row: 22 min
Squat: 315, 5x10 (5 sets for 10 reps)
Deadlift: 405, 5x5
Overhead press: 185, 5x5
Bench press: 225, 5x5
Snatch: 185, 3x3
Clean and Jerk: 185, 3x3
Pullups: 10x10 bodyweight
Need to work on flexibility in the upper body, especially if I want to do Olympics lifts like the Snatch and Clean and Jerk.