Industry, science and technology!

Dec 14, 2011 14:42

Whew...I haven't updated in quite a while.  I've been so busy finishing holiday orders for customers and getting ready to start making some new designs.  Here's my first installment, as far as really NEW stuff goes:

...well, new and old at the same time.  I'm doing mixed media; incorporating vintage goggles with my steampunk masks.

These first few are an experiment really.  I've figured out the best way to do the fittings and straps and attachments, and I played around with that aspect using my old FullSteam, HalfSteam and HalfGear designs.

Here's FullSteam with a pair of really old driving/aviation goggles.

I'm using stuff not necessarily meant as fasteners, but they're really sturdy and I just like the way they look; sort of industrial and old-fashioned at the same time.

These goggles are very old, circa 1920s or earlier...driving glasses.  Hardened rubber frames (pre-plastic, though I have some equally old Bakelite goggles too), original glass, and my favorite detail is the lovely steel mesh on the sides. 

They're sort of nerdy and intimidating at the same time.  :)  I'm in love with the look.  This is my old FullSteam mask design so it has classic mask eye holes, but next time I'll be doing rounded openings to mirror the shape of the goggles.

I have acquired several pairs of old goggles...some in worse states of wear than others.  An old set of "Willson" driving/aviation goggles from the '30s were in a terrible state so after taking them apart to clean, I left them separate and used them on my HalfSteam and HalfGear masks.

It's a different effect with just one eye cup; almost like a techie monocle.

Or maybe like a Star Trek "Borg" thing...I don't know.


Because I don't want to damage or alter the vintage goggles (except of course the Willson pair is split up...but it was pretty roached when I got it already), I'm just fastening the goggles with straps and screws and loops and stuff.  Not altering them in any way, if it can be helped.

I'm also using actual straps and buckles now.  Ribbons are all wrong on a Steampunk mask anyway, and besides, the old goggles are pretty heavy and need to be firmly fastened to your face.  I have straps in several shades (as well as buckles and fittings in a few different metals/finishes) and I'll probably offer them as a customized listing on Etsy.  I can fit them onto any of my existing masks.  I'm getting pretty good at setting rivets.  :)

I only have a few other pairs of old goggles so I'm saving them for something really special (details in a couple months!), but the nice thing is that there are lightweight reproduction goggles that have the right retro look but cost a fraction of the vintage price and they're easy to find.  They also come with lenses in different colors, so I have some designs I'm working on right now that will have red lens eyes (maybe amber too if I can get my supplier to shape up and order the darn things soon).  Spooky and also very neat!

So!  That's my newest idea.  :)  Halfgear is my sister's Christmas present (she loves steampunk so she's going to totally flip when she sees them).
Fullsteam and Halfsteam are available in my shop right now (just click the pics for links).

Fullsteam Vintage Goggle Edition.

HalfSteam Half-Goggle Edition.

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