Boo! :(

Dec 09, 2011 13:33

Waah!  We were supposed to get a whack of lake snow.  Instead we got about two inches of mushy slush...just enough to squish all my pretty ornamental grasses flat.  Yuck.  I went out and bought all kinds of lights for the front of the house and now I'm afraid to turn them on, because of all the wet.  :/  I want to slap my weatherman for getting my hopes up.

Also, did you guys know there's a new Three Stooges movie that's about to be released?  I'm horrified.  The cast of "Jersey Shore" makes an appearance, if that helps you wrap your minds around the hellishness of this movie.  That sound you hear is my inner child sobbing.   Some things need to be left the heck alone, Hollywood.
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