Rough day

Nov 03, 2011 21:12

Well, Kiba had his teeth cleaned.  They took him in at 8AM, his procedure was at 9AM, they called by noon to say he was awake and okay.   They told me I could pick him up at 4PM...he still wasn't walking very well.  :(

It's 9PM and he hasn't moved from his bed.  He wags his tail, one time, when I give him pets and tell him he's a good dog, but ( Read more... )

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zipis1 November 4 2011, 02:39:05 UTC
Aww, Meri. I'm sorry this is so hard for you :(

I'm not sure of this will make you feel better or not, but him being kinda tired/zombie-ish is likely just due to his age. The older a dog is the harder the drugs hit, but rarely is it actually an issue.

And as far as him "having trouble breathing," it was probably just him holding his breath. Some dogs just do that, and it's usually just because they're too deep, and that's easily fixed. And a tech should be there to help him breath if he holds it for longer than 30 seconds. And if he wasn't holding his breath, he was likely panting. Which some dogs just do for reasons I don't understand, but again, a tech can make sure he gets what he needs, oxygen wise.

I think you did the best thing for him by getting his teeth cleaned. Bad teeth affect the entire body, not to mention extractions are much harder on them. He'll likely be much better by tomorrow, but I know that's not much of a consolation when your baby hurts :(

*hug* You know you can ask me anything you need, though <3


merimask November 4 2011, 02:55:21 UTC
That's what the vet said; "holding his breath". It sounded ominous to me. :(

He's barely walking. I took him outside and he managed to pee and poop but he was falling over, poor thing. I had to carry him up the stairs.

I asked him if he was hungry and he showed no sign of anything, but I made a small amount of mashed potatoes (no milk or butter...just plain potato flakes and water) and he ate that (I only gave him half a cup, really...just a few bites).

Now he's a little perkier but he's whistle-whining and acting uncomfortable, but I really don't want to give him the pain meds (tramadol?) because he's still so wobbly.


zipis1 November 4 2011, 03:20:30 UTC
I would go ahead and give him the Tramadol. It's harder to battle pain once pain sets in, and while Tramadol can cause mild sedation, it usually doesn't. And if it does it'll just help him sleep through the last effects of the drugs ( ... )


merimask November 4 2011, 03:29:25 UTC
He hates being in a cage (crate training for him was impossible...he just can't stand being confined) so I guess he was pawing and gnawing at the bars and the vet said he was perky and fine to go home, but as soon as he got outside it was like he totally crashed...wobbled and stumbled and had to be lifted into the car. The vet admitted Kiba was all freaked by the cage and probably was just hopped up on adrenaline, wanting to be free.

My poor dog. :( I hate seeing him this way & I feel so guilty. His teeth weren't even that bad...

*hug* Thanks for answering questions though...I feel better about giving him the tramadol. If he can't sleep and keeps whistling I'll see what he thinks of those Pill Pockets I bought (great invention, those).


zipis1 November 4 2011, 03:51:33 UTC
Yeah, huskies tend to hate being confined. We call them the singers ;) It definitely sounds like once we was with you and his adrenaline decreased, what was left of the drugs was able to get through. Plus, after getting so worked up he was bound to poop out :)

No need to feel guilty, either. You made sure his teeth never got bad enough that toxins entered his body. Those toxins are nasty things and can really pull a number on his organs. I can't blame you, though. I need to get Libby's teeth cleaned (pug mouth. Yay...), and I dread it too, even though I'm in the biz ;)

And pill pockets are indeed great. But, should they fail, you can put the pill in peanut butter. Since it's so sticky, they end up not having a choice but to swallow the pill if they want the food :P


zipis1 November 5 2011, 02:03:42 UTC
How's Kiba today?

Also, I just thought I'd let you know: there're actual pet dental hygienists that can clean dog's teeth without anesthesia. It's pretty neat. It's more of a preventative measure, as once the teeth need to be removed obviously anesthesia is needed, but now that's he's had his teeth cleaned you can probably use that service to prevent him from having to go under again.


merimask November 5 2011, 08:44:56 UTC
Well, it took way more than 24 hours but he's finally starting to behave more normally. He was freaked out and wobbly, slow, crying, anxious...all day on Friday (his procedure was Thursday morning), right into the evening ( ... )


zipis1 November 6 2011, 00:57:01 UTC
Aww, poor Kiba!

Yep. Huskies are known as being very sensitive to things. Especially confinement. My best guess for that is that they're more closely related to wolves than most other dogs, so being confined is very hard for them. They also seem to be more sensitive to the drugs than others, and I'm not really sure why that is. Them, rottweilers, and boxers are though (and probably others I can't think of right now).

Also, if you ever do look into a non-anesthetic dental, he won't need to be confined. They usually do it as an in-and-out procedure where you wait in the waiting room. It sounds like it could be a good option for Kiba in the future :)

You're very welcome! I will offer you and advice/knowledge that I have for your furbabies any time you need it *smooch*


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