Rough day

Nov 03, 2011 21:12

Well, Kiba had his teeth cleaned.  They took him in at 8AM, his procedure was at 9AM, they called by noon to say he was awake and okay.   They told me I could pick him up at 4PM...he still wasn't walking very well.  :(

It's 9PM and he hasn't moved from his bed.  He wags his tail, one time, when I give him pets and tell him he's a good dog, but otherwise he won't move...not even an ear twitch.  He sort of whistle-cries when I talk to him.  The vet shaved his leg for the needle and it looks like something took a bite out of him.  They used isoflurane...the vet admitted he had trouble breathing, though he swears he's just fine now.

I am never going to get his teeth cleaned again.   My poor poor dog.  :(

Meanwhile the rest of my day went thusly:

*Discovered basement full of graywater...sewer line blocked again.

*Had line snaked out: $130

*Called for basement-cleaning estimates (servepro is hella crazy not do), got a good one from local guy who will clean it tomorrow (yay): $200

*Went to the wake of an old friend who, I found out this morning, passed away on Tuesday.

*Picked up my poor zombie dog who is a shambling crying mess.  Tooth cleaning: $580

So today cost me over $900 and all I have is a basement that smells poopy and a very unhappy husky with nice teeth but no will to live.

It's of those days.

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