Holy crap I am so over the hill...

Oct 29, 2011 02:57

Yeeeesh.  Another year gone by.  The good news is; I still don't look 46.  The bad news is; I feel sorta 64-ish lately.  O_o

It's all this not-sleeping BS...have to cut that out.

Good news!  Greg passed his Project Management Certification test on Friday...wooo!  I'm very proud of him, he's very relieved, and this is a good, proactive step for him.   Hopefully he can find something that pays well and won't suck his soul dry.  That will be a good thing.

Cold!  Snowy to the east of us, but not here.  We always seem to be just west enough of these nasty winter nor'easters that keep messing with the...well, northeast.  *shrug*  Hopefully you LJ friends to the east of me will stay safe and not lose power.  Charlotte's bound to see some of the white stuff where she is.

I just watched the saddest movie ever.   "Melancholia" .  Beautiful but sad sad sad...bleak.   *sigh*  Not a good idea.

I took Kiba to the vet for his check up and shots...my poor doggie has bad gums!  :(  He needs a tooth cleaning, an extraction, and gum treatment.  Since this means he'll need to be knocked out for the procedure, it isn't going to be cheap.  But, he's my buddy so, I already scheduled and paid 50%, and he's going in next Thursday.  Poor guy.  I thought eating dry dog food was supposed to keep his teeth and gums healthy but no, I guess not.  I'm not sure what I can do about it.  Brushing his fur is already a chore (he likes to run away halfway through the process...thinks it's hilarious to grab up mouthfulls of his own fur before he dashes off, then spits it all over the house)...I can't imagine what trying to brush his teeth daily would be like.  A major foaming dogtastrophe, no doubt.

Anyway, masks are finished for the night and I really ought to get to bed.  I have a long day of being freshly 46 ahead of me.  ;)
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