Updates updates...

Oct 19, 2011 13:55

Okay, let's see.  Happy news!

*Charlotte is kicking butt at Purchase.  She's regularly getting A's and 95% on everything she's handed in so far in her classes.   She's oddly upset about this somehow, because she can't figure out why she's 5% less than perfect.  I can't help thinking that's hilarious.  :)  I'm so proud of her.

*Char also has a job!  She's working at a local haunted maze.  You know...the big outdoor-in-a-field Halloween thing with hayrides and a walk through a haunted corn maze populated by actors in scary makeup.  She's one of the scary actors.  The people who run this thing actually came to her college to recruit kids (arts college = drama majors = talented college kids looking for seasonal jobs) and she was interviewed and hired...so now she's a pretty, dead ghosty-girl sobbing in a graveyard.  Spooky!   She gets $10 an hour plus a bonus (at the end of it all she'll have earned $400 for three weekends.  Not bad).  The haunted maze people send a shuttle bus right to college to pick the kids up for their shift, then brings them back when they are done.  It's a great Halloween-y job and she's having a ton of fun with it.  ^_^

*I'm getting close to finishing my Halloween pre-orders.  Only four more to go!  I've also done a pretty fair job of keeping my shop stocked, so I'm ready for the final week-before-Halloween rush.  I need to pick up some overnight Express Mail forms from the post office today (note to self).

* I'm seriously thinking it would be really fun for a group of us to organize a long weekend up at that Marble Lake cabin resort in Canada.  Any of you LJ friends think you might be interested?  It wouldn't be until next year so we have plenty of time to plan it, though I might want to reserve the cabin soon to secure the biggest cabin on a good weekend.  Both Mazinaw and Marble lake has canoe/kayak rentals (and I have two kayaks as well), and for an additional $15 we can have linen service so really, all you need is camping clothing and a bathing suit for the beach.  Anyway, I want to get a list of interested folks together so we can actually do this.  Meals don't have to be expensive; the cabins have complete kitchens and I figure sandwich fixings, hot dogs, coffee, cereal...that'd be perfect and easy to prepare, and there's a grocery store nearby for supplies like that.  The more people involved, the cheaper the cabin will be.  I'm sure I'll post more info/ideas as I have them, but I would LOVE an LJ Friends get-together at this beautiful place.          
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