So, if I wrote all the stuff going through my head at the moment, I'd be here all year. Suffice to say I'm here, I'm still alive, I just spent a week on holiday in Wanaka and am not sure if I actually enjoyed it, and I'm still spending a lot of time figuring out what's wrong with me and how to fix it. But anyway, am going to do a list of New Year's resolutions (and will probably come and edit to add more as I think of them) and my bucket list - things I want to do before I die!
New Year's Resolutions (in no particular order):
1. Lose those last 20 odd kg.
2. Run the half marathon in September.
3. Save money to do the things I want, rather than frittering it all away on crap.
4. Eat better and in the proper amounts (see No. 1!)
5. Either find a new job, or get to a place in my current job, where I no longer constantly feel inadequate/bad about myself because of who I am.
6. Do another bungy jump.
7. Learn to spin.
8. Keep up with the housework and gardening.
9. Write a lot more than I do now (especially since I've got a killer idea for a story . . . and a whole heap more I should finish).
Bucket list:
2. Bungy jump again.
3. Run the half marathon.
4. Go on a sea kayaking expedition.
5. Learn to ski.
6. Go on some of those three or more day tramps in the NZ national parks.
7. Go on holiday overseas.
8. Parachute, paraglide and/or handglide.
9. Do the Central Otago Rail Trail twice - once walking, once biking.
I'm sure I'll think of lots more of those.
In the meantime, here, have a couple of random picks from my holiday ::EVIL GRIN::