
Nov 04, 2010 09:19

My favorite book is The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. I first heard this book when, just by chance, it was free on iTunes one day. I listened to it over the course of taking Anthony to summer camp. It was only four hours long, and was read by Jeremy Irons, so I figured, what could possibly be bad about that?

Anyways... reading it started me thinking. It started me wondering what my dream and my treasure were. It made me concerned that I didn't know, and because I didn't know, that I wasn't listening to my heart. And because of that, it made me worry I would never be truly happy.

I tried several different things. I tried, in the car, when no one was watching (and now since I'm sharing this with all of you, I guess that makes that whole thing moot) actually asking "what is it that you want, heart?"

The answers I received were not very helpful, as you can imagine. Probably because I wasn't in touch with the thing to begin with, but probably also because I wasn't open to what it may have actually been saying.

In the book, there are several quotes that have become poignant to me as of late:
"When a person really desires something, all the universe conspires to help that person to realize his dream."


"Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure. You've got to find the treasure, so that everything you have learned along the way can make sense."

I feel like I finally know where my treasure is. And honestly, when I look back over my life and the things that have happened to me, I should have seen it all along. There were signs. Things that made me happy. Really happy. That I should have noticed and paid attention to, but for whatever reason, did not.

Additionally, now that I've made the decision to go in this direction, the universe is conspiring to bring me closer to achieving my dream.

I have to remember, however:
"It's called the principle of favourability, beginner's luck. Because life wants you to achieve your destiny."

and that

"The closer you get to your personal legend, the harder it will become to continue."

But mostly,
“My heart is afraid that it will have to suffer”, said the boy.

“Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse that the suffering itself. And no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams”, replied the Alchemist."

And finally

"It ain't about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can GET HIT and keep moving forward." -Rocky Balboa in Rocky

So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you have some spare moments... please read the Alchemist. It will make you happy. Maybe not at first, but eventually, and that happiness will be a true, lasting happiness.

For more quotes:

This has been brought to you by several things happening in the last several days that have not only assured me that medical school IS the way to go, but have made it even easier to pursue that path. I'm coming Fatima...Maktub.
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