Checking In - 1/1/2015

Jan 01, 2015 07:28

Happy New Year to everyone.

It's only been 3 months since I last posted. That's much better than the 9 months before that. I really did have writing more on my list of new year's goals from last year.

So fandom, what's going on with you?

I've only read about 2 stories in Yuletide. I haven't had time to even go through all the cool fandoms.

I've watched the first two episodes of The Library and It was...well, not that good, but very entertaining anyway. What can I say, I really like Christian Kane.

I haven't really watched much else. No time. I did read the graphic novel Captain America: The Winter Soldier Ultimate collection. While it wasn't the movie story, I couldn't seem to put it down. Anyone have some recs on what to read next? There's a lot out there.

I also managed to write a little story (2.5k) about Steve and Bucky, but I haven't finished it yet. I might have it done in January.

Other than that, I've been running. I did 4 marathons in 3 months this fall, putting me at a lifetime total of 49. I also did a lot of training this summer. I was pretty burned out when I got past the first race. Which was Reykjavik (in Iceland). Next was Top of Utah, then Steamtown (in PA), and finally, my favorite, Richmond. They were all good races. I enjoyed running them.

I ended up sick for Marine Corps Marathon. I had everything laid out and ready to go, and I came down with something unpleasant the night before. I actually missed 2 races this year. Sick for both of them. I blame the open cubicle work environment.

My 50th marathon should be Disney in about a week and a half. I'm running the Goofy again. For those who don't know, it's the half marathon on Saturday and the full on Sunday. I have a 50k after that in February. And another full in March.

And while it might not look like it, I'm actually going to be traveling less to races next year. I have traveled so much in the last 2 years that I am pretty burned out and need a break. I'm probably not going to run less races, but I am going to try some of the local ones.

Another reason I want to travel less is that I haven't seen anyone this past year. I got to the end of the year and realized I hadn't had a party or TV gathering or much of anything all year. If it weren't for Con.TXT in June, I probably wouldn't have seen anyone.

So, what are you all doing? What are you watching. Waiting for? 'Cause you know, May can't get here soon enough.

catching up, life, marathons

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