Sep 01, 2014 06:38
Happy Labor Day to those who celebrate it.
It's been more than 9 months since I posted last. I had some high hopes at the beginning of the year of posting about once a month, but clearly that didn't happen. I have no idea where the time goes. It was just May, wasn't it?
As always, my life is an interesting mix of things these days.
Fandom: Well, at least there is a fandom part.
I finally saw Captain America: The Winter Soldier this summer, and all I have to say is : Bucky!! Yeah, I could go there. The angst is real and palpable. They tortured him. I'm actually thinking how to fix poor, poor Bucky. How Steve and the Avengers et al will help fix Bucky.
I haven't actually written anything in 2 years, but these guys make me want to write.
As for everything else, yeah, I'm still watching, but I'm behind. I did finally get to the end of last season for Elementary. That's a great show, btw. Now, I just need to watch this past season.
Person of Interest seems to have changed their whole MO. I am not sure how I feel about this. I'm a police procedural kind of person. At least the characters are evolving. As well as the Machine.
Other than that, nothing else is really on my radar.
Running: My other fandom.
I did some shorter races in the spring. I ran the Shamrock Half in March in Virginia Beach and the Cherry Blossom 10 miler a few weeks later. I had really good times for both races and was pretty pleased with myself.
In May, I ran a trail full marathon that was a lot of fun, but much, much slower. This had all sorts of terrain and was difficult to navigate in parts. I had a giant blister on the bottom of my foot after it, and I limped for 2 days. But there was a low-key atmosphere to it that was fantastic, and everyone was so nice. I would do that race again.
I did 2 more half marathons in the Spring -- Kentucky Derby Half and Ottawa Half. Neither were very fast. And Ottawa was really hot.
I spent most of the summer training for the fall marathon season. I actually did some speed work and followed (more or less) my training program.
I just got back from Iceland where I ran the Reykjavik Marathon. It was a lot of fun. Great course. Weather was perfect. I had a cold so I ran it a bit slower than I had hoped. But I felt strong through the whole race and finished strong. So, I guess the training paid off anyway.
I have 4 more marathons this fall. The next up is in Utah in about 3 weeks. I'm looking forward to that. And hopefully doing it a bit faster than the last one.
It was our 30th anniversary last week (while we were in Iceland). Hard to believe that Mr. L and I have been married that long. Longer really, if you count the living together before hand. It wasn't always easy, but it was definitely worth the effort.
In other news, I was told a couple of performance reviews ago that it was time I stepped up and actually become the manager they were paying me to be. So, I've been working on that. They sent me to a really good training class, and that helped. It's a completely different thing to direct the technical people rather than do the technical work. I'm adjusting.
One of the things I'm trying to do is balance the running with seeing friends. I have a couple of trips planned where I'm going to run a race and then go visit people.
Anyway, so how are you out there in fandom land? I am feeling more fannish about Bucky/Steve - MCU than I have in a long time.