Writer's Block: Random Acts of Kindness

Jul 09, 2007 09:00

I have no idea. I'm "nice", but I don't get out much!
Probably with money.
When I handled the bills early in our marriage I felt obligated to give 10% to our current church. I also couldn't resist people that called or wrote for money: police things, retired priests & nuns, hunger charities especially. Even people that came to the door like the Schwann man...(I'll not even list kids cause WHO resists them). I don't think I was official Sucker status. I could hang up and say no when I had a suspicious feeling.
So yes, we were in debt but that was mainly over Christmas presents and car repair.

I feel guilty about enjoying the luxuries I have here in the US compared to people elsewhere who are in poverty or almost poverty and outnumber us. If everyone here would simply share a little of what they have the world would be in much better shape, even to the point of ending starvation. I really do believe that. If you have a lot it's because you were meant to share it. I mean, how can people see the suffering of the world and do nothing? New furniture and new cars are worth the price to them... That I share what I have is how I rationalize not involving myself in politics. I really don't understand what they're talking about. It's really quite simple to me and they don't get it. Ok, I take that back, I realize it's very difficult to switch to nonpetroleum forms of energy without hurting the economy and issues like that. They can spend their mental energy on the things they do and I'll do what I have the heart for. I really want to punch the person who tries to put me down for not voting. (that doesn't fit does it) Because I'm not word smart like those people. But that doesn't mean I don't have a different kind of intelligence. Everyone has thier domain, right?

So, I don't do the bills anymore and that's probably a good thing. We haven't been to mass in over a year and I don't think I'll be going back. Tim still gives to Feed the Poor and he's kept the South Americans I adopted: an old lady and child (though not anymore) through The Christian Foundation for Children & the Aging.

and Animals...ok, I'll stop here.

writer's block

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