Emma's turtle & Photo meme

Sep 22, 2008 11:51

Emma went to South Carolina with a friend and came back with a turtle at the beginning of summer this past year...

It was sold to her under the name "Sand Dollar Turtle". If you try to look that up on the web you get nothing. We looked around and discovered it to be a "Slider" turtle. Sliders need the same kind of care other turtles do - a big freakin' tank, filter, basking rock and lamp, water that is warm, worms or crickets or other things like that along with commercial food. It may not sound like a lot of upkeep except maybe the big freakin' tank (cause the turtle will get BIG and live for DECADES) and maybe the feeding - ew - stuff... but cleaning out the little one we have is a pain and I tell you - I DID NOT WANT A TURTLE TO TAKE CARE OF.
So, next summer we are making a trip to South Carolina and emancipating the turtle whether Emma likes it or not. If we set it free here in Indiana it might not survive the harsher winters. Tim is happy - he needs an excuse to travel somewhere.

Here's me for the photo meme - post a photo of yourself on the spot with no editing etc.:

emma's turtle, me

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