Day by the numbers (or: Captain Random strikes again.)

May 22, 2008 19:41

- I just finished putting rating tags on over 700 fanfiction bookmarks in my delicious! It took a few months, but a winnar is me. I just really wish it weren't so unwieldy now, or I'd tag everything with theme and plot metadata, too. Curse my stupidity for not doing that all along. I suppose, if I were feeling ambitious I could reread it all. The 700+ I've got there are a small fraction of all what I ever read, or all my past fandoms.

- I apparently have to give a "brief" presentation to the lab in a week. For values of brief that are 20 minutes. WTF.

- Got to work at about 12 noon today, since I turned off my alarm and slept 'til 11. Thank goodness no one seems to care if I'm in the lab or not. :P

- There are over 2,000 mysterious forest rings in Northern Ontario. That the associated electromagnetic field may be caused by feeding microorganisms gives me great biogeek glee. Bacteria are awesome, dudes!

- I get paid three times this month, and I have an Amazon Gift Certificate gifted to me by j_s_cavalcante after demonstrating my l33t BSO-identification skillz. It is time for frivolous media purchases! I'm pondering what to buy. I sort of want to get the Canadian dS DVDs, but I already own dS and it seems silly do do that when I could buy something I don't already have. My life is complex!

- It is 20 degrees in my apartment. My hands are cold.

- I have one (1) weekend free of plans starting tomorrow. Anyone want to come visit me? All my friends have moved to, like, Ottawa and stuff. (Okay, only one friend, but she was the only one I had left here! On the upside: so going to crash at her place on Canada Day. Woot.)

- Oh. AND. My quest to screencap all of BDtH? About 60% winnowed. My journal will be pretty again soon, I promise!

work, i like tags, rambly, \o/, random, rl, the thing about me is i'm kind of a dork

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