Surprise! It's another list post. I should have a tag for that.

May 21, 2008 13:08

Some things that are on my mind:

1. Weather. 7 degrees?!?! What is that? I demand a refund.

2. At some point in the next few weeks I have to drag myself to London for a bridesmaid dress fitting. Do Not Want.

3. can_con2008. (Psst, Nos, did you get a call in about the catering?) For whatever reason, I have started formulating a con music mix in my head. I don't even know. I'm not a person who does music, you see? Not like other people do. But listening to my CanCon-heavy playlist today has me thinking. Death From Above 1979 and The New Pornographers are involved, among others.

4. This birthday fic Nos offered me. Those who know me know how I whine about my utter inability to form fic ideas on the fly (my current theory involves secretlybronte having stolen ALL THE IDEA MOJO.) Anyhow, I'm supposed to be requesting a fic, and after ruminating for a few days I still have no real idea of what I'd want. An F/K fic, I think, since much as I love a good Ray/Ray angst-and-hostility fest I don't feel like depriving myself of Nos' killer Fraser-voice. Lots of UST, since I dig that, so probably First Time. I like misunderstandings. And that angst our Nos does so well (with a HAPPY ENDING, mind you, you angstmuffin.) I like outing/confession fic. I like the boys being dorks.

But coming up with any specifics is haaaaard. There's a reason I've never tried to write my own epic. Commissioning anything beyond a ficlet needing a one-line prompt seems to be beyond me as well. /m\

Halp? Maybe you guys have ideas. Half the time I didn't know I wanted to read something until someone else gets me thinking in the right direction. No AUs, though. My birthday is an AU-free zone. *draws chalk line around zone*

5. Spent the morning in an analytical genetics seminar. The industry guys are invariably excellent lecturers, but they're so cagey with certain details it's hard to get the full picture of what you can do with their tech. Also they discard interesting possibilities for being in low demand or not cost-effective, which is not fun. I would have thought being able to screen diploid genomes for SNPs would be a good idea, but apparently it taxes the computer programmers' brains. [/stuff most of the flist doesn't get] In conclusion, MALDI-TOF for nucleic acids.

ETA: I just figured out how to get my iPod to download email from my work account. Can we say 'awesome'?

i like tags, do not want, angst, nos is awesome, scientific progress goes 'boink'?, help me o wise flist, work, random, talking about the weather again, rl

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