Breaking radio silence to bring you an important infographic! Everything you need to know about Canada is right here:
In other news, I just got done having a 2 hour coffee meeting with a very nice fellow who runs a teeny tiny environmental toxicology company, who also really seems to want to hire me. As always, there's some waiting for government funds involved, but it sounds good, and I'd be heading back to old stomping grounds. Cross your fingers!
So, what's new with you all? I haven't read back through the flist in a while, but I assume some of you are approaching critical levels of EXCITE for the Avengers? (My BFF is coming over for a sleepover tonight, I may attempt to prime her with the other movies so she'll go with me to see it next week.)
I... probably had other things to say, but can't remember. I fail at LJ lately, but I'm hoping to get better now that I'm fully recovered from grad school!
*exits, pursued by large ginger cat*